30. 1. 2024 | Peace and security, POTC, PR
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) have joined forces to organise a training course titled “A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations.” Scheduled from March 19-21 at Jable Castle with one extra day of self-paced eLearning, the program aims to enhance operational effectiveness by equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to integrate a gender perspective in international peace operations and missions.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The training course, developed based on the ESDC’s Activity Number 21 curriculum and POTC’s prior training activities, focuses on key learning objectives spanning knowledge, skills, and competence outcomes. Participants will gain insights into recognising the relevance of a gender perspective in peace operations, understanding international legal frameworks related to gender equality, and identifying security needs and perspectives of local populations in crisis or conflict environments.
The target audience for the program includes 20 civilian experts, police, and military personnel actively involved or planning to participate in international missions or operations. The course is open to middle-management military officials, civilians, police, and diplomats from EU Member States and institutions, as well as individuals interested in future participation in CSDP, NATO, OSCE, or UN missions.
The application process is open until February 29th, 2024, with a selection process conducted by POTC/ESDC. Notification of selection will be communicated by March 3rd, 2024. The working language of the training is English, and fluency in English is required.
Participation during the whole duration of the gender in operations training (3 full days at Jable Castle with approximately 10 hours of program/day and approximately 4 hours of the eLearning module
prior to the start of the training) is mandatory in order to receive a certificate of participation at the end of the training. Participants who are not from Slovenia are expected to arrive no later than Monday, 18th of March.
Accommodation will not be covered by POTC. However, upon request, POTC can assist with finding economic accommodation in Ljubljana, which is 15 minutes away from Jable Castle. Upon request, POTC can also assist with finding optimal local transport solutions for participants coming from outside of Slovenia.
Application of participants is through national nominators: List of ESDC Nominators (ENLIST system)
(JotForm LINK)
Tentative course programme: PDF LINK
For further information, interested individuals can contact: [email protected]
This comprehensive training initiative reflects the commitment of POTC and ESDC to advancing gender equality and mainstreaming in international peace operations and missions.
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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17. 1. 2024 | EUCTI, Peace and security, POTC, PR
From January 8 to 12, POTC facilitated its first training activity of 2024: the Training of Trainers (ToT) in Windhoek, Namibia. The end result was the enhancement of skills of 18 individuals who are or will be engaged in international crisis management, training Namibian national personnel and part of international peace operations. The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) organised this training in collaboration with the Namibian International Women Peace Centre (NIWPC) with the support of the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI).
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The ToT provided a platform for participants to delve into the practical application of learning theories, enhancing their ability to conduct impactful training sessions. Over the course, attendees honed their skills in crafting engaging training sessions, engaged in reflective practices to understand their unique training styles, and improved their delivery of course materials.
The POTC team and our trainers extend sincere appreciation for the warm welcome extended by our Namibian hosts and participants. The hospitality we experienced added a unique and enriching dimension to the training, creating an atmosphere conducive to productive learning and collaboration.
The organisers anticipate the success of participants and hope for continued cooperation in various fields, contributing to global peace and security efforts, as well as the development of training options in Namibia by local trainers. POTC believes that the skills and insights gained by the participants will undoubtedly contribute to the enhanced capabilities of Namibian personnel. The organisers look forward to witnessing the positive outcomes of this collaboration, fostering a legacy of cooperation and mutual understanding between Slovenia, the European Union and Namibia.
Pictures from the ToT are available on Flickr: ToT Namibia 2024
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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4. 1. 2024 | Employment, Peace and security, POTC, PR
Ustanova – Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) razpisuje delovno mesto:
PROJEKTNI VODJA III (1 delovno mesto) – M/Ž
Projektni vodja opravlja naslednje naloga: koordinacija projektov, pomoč pri pripravi projektov, samostojno oblikovanje gradiv, informacij, poročil in drugih gradiv, podpora pri izvajanju projektov ter druge naloge v skladu z navodili.
Trajanje zaposlitve: 1 leto s poskusno dobo treh mesecev z možnostjo podaljšanja zaposlitve. Delo bo izbrani kandidat opravljal na sedežu CEP, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš.
Na razpisano delovno mesto bo imenovan kandidat, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:
- državljanstvo države članice Evropske unije,
- najmanj visoka strokovna (prva stopnja) izobrazba družboslovne smeri,
- najmanj dve leti delovnih izkušenj,
- poznavanje področja mednarodnih odnosov,
- vozniški izpit B kategorije,
- tekoče ustno in pisno znanje slovenskega jezika (C1),
- tekoče ustno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika (C1),
- usposobljenost za delo z računalnikom (delo s urejevalniki besedil, delo s preglednicami, delo z bazami podatkov, poznavanje računalniških omrežij, poznavanje operacijskih sistemov),
- organizacijske in komunikacijske sposobnosti,
- izkušnje sodelovanja z vladnimi, nevladnimi in/ali EU strukturami.
Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami v mednarodnih odnosih ali na področju mednarodnega miru in varnosti in kadidati, ki izkazujejo:
- sposobnost postavljanja prioritet in samostojnega načrtovanja dela,
- natančnost,
- visok standard za kakovostno opravljeno delo,
- sposobnost samostojnega komuniciranja in javnega nastopanja,
- samoiniciativnost,
- timsko naravnanost.
Izbrani kandidat bo delo opravljal v okviru Centra za izobraževanje in usposabljanje za sodelovanje v mirovnih operacijah in misijah, ki deluje znotraj Centra za evropsko prihodnost. Delo na razpisanem delovnem mestu obsega vsebinsko in organizacijsko delo ter vključuje sledeče delovne zadolžitve:
- pomoč pri koordiniranju, načrtovanju in izvedbi usposabljanj in drugih izobraževalnih formatov,
- koordinacijo in sodelovanje z mednarodnimi partnerji,
- komunikacijo in sodelovanje s slovenskimi in tujimi udeleženci aktivnosti,
- komunikacijo in sodelovanje s slovenskimi in tujimi strokovnjaki,
- pomoč pri pripravi poročil,
- ostala dela in naloge po navodilih nadrejenega.
Prijava mora vključevati življenjepis, iz katerega mora biti razvidno, da kandidat izpolnjuje pogoje in motivacijsko pismo.
Kandidati naj pošljejo prijavo z ustreznimi dokazili v zaprti ovojnici z oznako »NE ODPIRAJ – Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta Projektni vodja III « na naslov:
Ustanova–Center za evropsko prihodnost
Grajska cesta 1
1234 Mengeš
ali po elektronski pošti na naslov: [email protected] z jasno oznako – »Prijava na razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja.«.
Rok za prijavo bo potekel 29. 1. 2024 ob 23:59 uri. Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni elektronski naslov ali bodo najpozneje zadnji dan roka za prijavo poslane s priporočeno pošto, oziroma po elektronski pošti. V besedilu objave uporabljeni izrazi, napisani v moški slovnični obliki, so uporabljeni kot nevtralni za ženske in moške.
Kandidati bodo o izbiri obveščeni v roku 15 dni po odločitvi o izboru.
Besedilo razpisa v obliki pdf lahko najdete tukaj.
19. 12. 2023 | EUCTI, Peace and security, POTC, PR
In January, POTC will facilitate a Training of Trainers for the Namibia International Women’s Peace Centre (NIWPC) in Windhoek, Namibia. The aim of this cooperation is to bolster the capacities of the nascent Namibian Peace Centre in the field of peace operations.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The training is supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), which aims at enhancing the abilities of the deployed civilian staff in EU CSDP, OSCE, UN, AU and other crisis management missions to work in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner to implement their respective missions’ mandates.
More specifically, the cooperation between POTC and the NIWPC, together with the support of EUCTI, will focus on delivering the Training of Trainers (ToT) course. The ToT course is designed to strengthen the training skills of members of international crisis management missions and peace operations to either support them in designing and delivering the ToT courses or to equip the subject matter experts with skills, knowledge and attitudes to be more effective trainers.
The target audience of the ToT is personnel from the NIWPC, Namibian police, military and civilian structures who are involved in designing, planning, organising and delivering training programmes in their respective training structures. The course will come for first-time trainers and those with more experience. All participants will be given the chance to practice, acquire and develop new competences and/or build upon existing knowledge, skills and experience.
The training will cover the designated 7 ToT Modules (Module 1 – Being a Trainer, Module 2 – Teaching and Learning Theories, Module 3 – Techniques to Use in a Training Session, Module 4 – Managing the Training Environment and Effective Communication, Module 5 – Planning, Preparation of a Training Session, Module 6 – Delivery of a Training Session, and Module 7 – Assessing Learning and Evaluating a Training Event) as well an additional Module 8 »Mission Environment Training Specifics« which will take a holistic look at the entirety of the other modules and apply the mission environment specifics to them.
The POTC Team, together with the trainers, is looking forward to cooperating with our Namibian partners and delivering this essential training for Namibian peace operations personnel in Windhoek.
This training is supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI).
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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8. 12. 2023 | Peace and security, POTC, PR, Security
On the 30th of November, the last training of 2023, the Disruptive Military Practices & Technologies Training, was held at POTC’s home base – Jable Castle, for a group of dedicated participants, mainly coming from the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The aim of the training was to address the emergence of new technologies and practices in the security and defence field, which have the potential to disrupt. More concretely, the sessions focused on the following subjects:
- Space Weather: insights into the influence of space weather on critical infrastructure;
- Space Technologies and their Applications: the latest developments in space technologies and their practical applications in the defence sector;
- EU Technological Sovereignty: addressing the crucial topic of maintaining technological sovereignty within the European Union;
- The Disruptive Potential of AI in the Field of Security: understanding the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on national and international security.
The participants of the training had the chance to hear about and discuss important topics with leading lecturers whose insights were invaluable. The training was not short on new and emerging concepts and terms such as digital twins, rare earth mineral dependence, space storms, satellite flood mapping, failure prediction and information warfare.
With this, POTC’s training activities for 2023 have been concluded. We are more than pleased to have facilitated a wide array of training activities this year and are excited about what is coming in 2024.
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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