Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

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From December 8 to 13, 2024, the first forum titled “BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change” was held in Portorož as part of the development project Enter Change. The forum brought together future young leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Through lectures, workshops, and discussions, the forum addressed key topics such as:
✔️ Leadership competencies and effective communication
✔️ Challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans on the path to EU integration
✔️ Strategic communication and combating disinformation
✔️ Diversity in the business world, gender equality, and the role of women in politics
✔️ Youth engagement in driving social change

The event’s highlights included contributions from esteemed speakers such as Alexander Kasanof, Peter Grk, Dr. Danica Purg, and Borut Pahor and interactive workshops that enabled participants to develop concrete solutions for future challenges.

The forum was a significant step in empowering young future political leaders from BiH and fostering positive change in the region. It was organized by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia. In 2025, we will continue our work with future leaders and look forward to the second forum in Slovenia, scheduled for late August. This forum will be aligned with the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum.

Local launch of the project and workshops in Skopje

Local launch of the project and workshops in Skopje

The project “Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Education and Establishing the System for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the Republic of North Macedonia” was launched today in Skopje, with the participation of H.E. Minister Arben Taravari, Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia and H.E. Minister Vesna Janevska, Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia, who expresses their support for the project which addresses the needs of North Macedonia and thanked Slovenia for the support.

The event was organized by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in North Macedonia. It successfully brought together key stakeholders to discuss the project’s objectives, progress, and next steps for implementation.

The opening remarks were delivered by Ms Nika Rotar, Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Ambassador at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in North Macedonia; H.E. Minister Arben Taravari, Ministry of Health, Republic of North Macedonia; H.E. Minister Vesna Janevska, Ministry of Education, Republic of North Macedonia; and Ms Vesna Marinko, Director-General of the Directorate for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Slovenia.

The program continued with an insightful project overview presented by Ms Jelka Klemenc, Head of the Project Team at the Centre for European Perspective; Prof. Dr Skela Savič from the Faculty of Health Care Angela Boškin, Slovenia; Ms Monika AžmanMs Anita Prelec, and Dr Andrej Vojnović from the Nurses and Midwives’ Association of Slovenia; and Ms Vesna Blazeski, Head of Project Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Republic of North Macedonia. The speakers highlighted the project goals, planned activities, outcomes of initial analyses, and the upcoming steps necessary for successful implementation.

We were honoured by the attendance of Prof. Dr Igor Gila Nikolov, Advisor to the Prime Minister, and Dr Rashela Mizrahi, representative of the Parliament and President of the Health Commission, whose presence underscored the project’s significance at the national level.

The event served as an important platform for dialogue and collaboration, emphasizing the need to strengthen nursing and midwifery education and establish systems for recognizing professional qualifications in North Macedonia. This joint effort reflects a strong commitment to improving the healthcare system and supporting professional development in the country.

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-16 at 11.56.30

The project is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia [through the International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Programme] and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia, with technical support from WHO Office North Macedonia. The launch event was organized by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in North Macedonia, the WHO Country Office in North Macedonia, the Ministry of Health of Slovenia, as well as the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Midway through BiH’s Visionary Voices

Midway through BiH’s Visionary Voices

Portorož, 12 December 2024 – We are halfway through ‘BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change’ forum, offering an enriching experience for our participants.

Participants have delved into some crucial topics, including:
  • The challenges and opportunities of the Western Balkans and pathways to progress
  • The principles of rule of law and democracy
  • Shaping impactful messages for the media through effective communication
  • Using strategic communication to build democratic resilience and social cohesion
  • The role of media in fostering social change, with a focus on youth and citizenship
Two workshops further encouraged participants to explore leadership in depth—examining its core competencies, reflecting on their own leadership experiences, and considering how they can create meaningful change in their communities.
In the remaining two days, participants will focus on two very important topics: gender equality and diversity and the role of women in the political context.



The activities within the project ‘Enter: Change’ are financed by the Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve RS / Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs within the #SlovenianAid and Partnerships programme and by the U.S. Embassy Ljubljana.
The “Enter: Change” Forum Has Officially Begun

The “Enter: Change” Forum Has Officially Begun

Portorož, 9 December 2024 – The first forum of the “Enter: Change” project, BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change, has begun today in Portorož, Slovenia. Held from 9 to 13 December, it brings together 12 young politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina for a program focused on leadership, governance, and social change.

The Forum was opened with opening addresses by H.E. Mr Dario Novalić, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Slovenia and H.E. Ms Melania Arreaga, Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia, with a welcoming speech by Ms Nina Čepon, Executive Director of CEP.

Programme of the first day will also feature an opening lecture on the challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans by Mr Peter Grk, Secretary General of the Bled Strategic Forum and National Coordinator for the Western Balkans at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, teambuilding session on leadership and a night owl session on the rule of law and democracy with Assistant Profesor Dr Faris Kočan from the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana). 


The activities within the project ‘Enter: Change’ are financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia within the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships programme and by the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana.

Upcoming forum for young BiH politicians in Portorož

Upcoming forum for young BiH politicians in Portorož

30 November, Mengeš – We are delighted to announce the first forum of the “Enter: Change” project, which will take place from 8 to 13 December in Portorož, Slovenia. The event is titled ‘BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change’, and is dedicated to fostering young leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The forum will bring together 14 young leaders for a dynamic five-day program.

The activities will focus on discussions of challenges in the Western Balkans, the rule of law and democracy, strategic communication and combating misinformation, diversity and inclusion, and a workshop on youth political engagement. The forum aims to provide a platform for skill development, networking, dialogue, and empowering young leaders from BiH to drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond.

The forum will among others, include representatives from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, Ms Melania Arreaga, and former Slovenian President, Mr Borut Pahor.

The activities within the project ‘Enter: Change’ are financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia within the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships programme and by the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana.