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The third training in the framework of the project “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU”, the Centre for the European Perspective (CEP), in cooperation with the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (DEI), successfully concluded on 6 November 2020.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the workshop took place virtually between 5 and 6 November 2020 on the topic of cybersecurity. H.E. Ms. Zorica Bukinac, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms. Maja Rimac Bjelobrk, Assistant Director, Division for Communication and Training in the Field of European Integration, Directorate for European Integration, Bosnia and Herzegovina officially opened the event, emphasizing the importance of capacity building for civil servants working in the field of European integration. The inclusion of BiH into the European integration processes is one of the priorities set out in the basic guidelines of BiH’s foreign policy.

The training provided focused on Chapter 10 – Information society and media of the acquis communautaire. This was one of the topics highlighted by the Directorate for European Integration of BiH as priority areas in the period 2019 and 2020. Slovenian experts from the National Cyber Security Incidence Response Center shared experiences and good practices in the field of cybersecurity. Mr. Gorazd Božič raised the importance of cyber-security incident-response, history of CERT/CSIRT, and international cooperation (TF-CSIRT, Trusted Introducer, FIRST), EU approach (NIS Directive, Cyber-Security Act, role of ENISA, CSIRT Network and NIS Cooperation Group). He presented technical and human-resource requirements in setting up a CSIRT with national/governmental roles, development of technical skills, trainings and resources, exercises and CSIRT maturity levels, as well as incident-handling case-studies and scenarios with examples of “cookbooks” for various categories of incidents and taxonomy. Ms. Jasmina Mešić talked about the importance of effective communication and awareness-raising. She offered the example from Slovenian case study on how to plan and implement public campaigns on cybersecurity-related topics.

The project is part of the CEP program activities, which are supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the scope of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.



Third workshop of "Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” project