EUSDR Priority Area 10 ˝Institutional Capacity and Cooperation˝ together with the the Foster Europe Foundation, in Austria, and the Danube Civil Society Forum invite you to the second National Participation Day – Slovenia.
Civil Society, Academia, local authorities active in the realms of environment, participation, health, social care, social innovation, good governance, transparency, open data, tourism, culture, river and water management, transport energy, labour market and migration, education, youth, and other issues in Slovenia or in a trans-national cooperation or with a connection to the Adriatic -Ionian, Western Balkan, Alpine or Danube Region are welcome.
The event will take place on Thursday, 17th of November from 8:30 – 14:00 in Ljubljana (CITY Hotel, Dalmatinova ulica 15)
What is a National Participation Day?
A National Participation Day, NPD, is a regular (annual) meeting open to all interested active or potential stakeholders of the Danube Strategy in Slovenia. The NPDs specifically address civil society organisations and their networks, local actors from municipality level, academia, public authorities on the local and regional level, national institutions active in the EUSDR and EUSDR Priority Coordinators (PACs) based in the country, as well as the National Coordinator (NC). The NPDs are open to interested stakeholders from abroad, such as representatives from PACs, academia, umbrella organisations (CODCR, DCSF), and civil society. The NPD is an important link:
- between the national public actors (ministries, national agencies, NC, PACs, etc.) and the interested stakeholders active in the country,
- that gives stakeholders the possibility to meet and exchange information in view of possible cooperation on a macro-regional level,
- that gives stakeholders the possibility to inform themselves about ongoing projects, calls or other possible financing programs or instruments in the EUSDR between the supra-national activities of the EUSDR, at the Annual Fora and the annual Danube Participation Days.
Aims of a NPD
The NPD is a forum for stakeholders to report on their work concerning the Danube Strategy, experience, perspective, and planning on both state and non-state levels for mutual information and opinion building on a national level. Therefore, the respective national situation will be the priority in the thematic programming.
The NPD is open to stakeholders active in the realms of environment, participation, health, social care, social innovation, good governance, transparency, open data, tourism, culture, river and water management, transport energy, labour market and migration, education, and youth, nationally or in a trans-national cooperation.
The NPD creates with its state-actor – non-state-actor dialogue and the mutual information of either side a platform to build trust, share information and contribute to an informed and active EUSDR public in the country. This contributes to a capacity building of multi-sectoral and multi-level, trans-regional, trans-national cooperation on the local, regional, and national levels.
We will have an open dialogue and exchange on the Slovenian Presidency in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, and the role of Slovenia in EU macroregional strategies in general.
Registration is open:
on the email [email protected]
And the online survey
For further questions please contact: [email protected]