IMG 20170228 105535On 28th of February we have hosted Mr Jawhar Sircar, former State Secretary of India for Culture and CEO of Prasar Bharati, the largest public broadcasting service in the world.

Mr Sircar is paying a visit to Slovenia and lectures at various universities and organizations. During his visit he also visited CEP, where in a two-hour relaxed conversation he touched upon the relations between India and China; economic situation of India, its development and relations with neighboring countries as well as the EU and America. The debate tackled problem prioritizing in India, which is quite different from those of the rest of the world, as well as the media and the development of social networks in India.

Obisk nekdanjega indijskega ministra za kulturo g. Jawharja Sircarja

28. februarja smo na gradu Jable gostili nekdanjega indijskega ministra za kulturo, g. Jawharja Sircarja, ki se mudi na obisku v Sloveniji ter predava po različnih univerzah ter organizacijah. V sklopu svojega obiska je obiskal tudi CEP, kjer se je v dve-urnem sproščenem pogovoru dotaknil odnosov med Indijo in Kitajsko; ekonomskega stanja Indije, njenega razvoja ter odnosov s sosednjimi državami ter EU in Ameriko. Prav tako je debata nanesla na prioritizarnje težav, ki se v Indiji precej razlikujejo od tistih po svetu, pa tudi na medije in razvitost socialnih omrežij v Indiji.