Training of trainers was the last activity within the LET4CAP project – “Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building project” that implemented seven trainings in the last two years. Project members – Centre for European Perspective, Italian Carabinieri, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, the Polish police force “Policja” and the in-house agency of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, “Studiare Sviluppo”, have contributed to more consistent and efficient assistance in law enforcement capacity building to third countries.
Training or trainers in Ljubljana from 17 – 18 December brought together 17 experienced trainers from 13 countries that learned from each other, worked on their presentation and communication skills and improved their knowledge about training theory, design and evaluation. Group work and dynamic programme contributed to an excellent atmosphere that facilitated great peer-to-peer learning as well as expertise from various working environments.
Project has been co-financed by Internal Security Fund of the European Union.