The European Digital Diplomacy Exchange project is hosting a three-day Steering Board Meeting in Brussels unfolding from Monday the 15 of April through Wednesday the 17 of April. The event represents a first of many activities, that will bring together representatives (Steering Board members) from countries already active in the EDDE project through past participation. The topics of discussion in this meeting will include an overlook of the past efforts and successes the project has had, while at the same time develop an effective vision on how to contribute to a future of the EDDE project that includes the common challenges digital communicators are addressing in their everyday work.

The program of the first meeting day was devoted to the establishment of firm common tasks and challenges tackled by the Steering Board members. The open discussion offered a safe space for everyone to contribute their best practices, work experience, digital challenges and other ideas, that will help to build the EDDE project in the future. The discussions will continue in the next two days, so to guarantee that the future work of the project is aligned and leaded by the needs of digital communicators from all countries and regions. The project therefore has additional value by offering guidance and assistance for common digital challenges digital diplomats face in their everyday profession. The participants will also be included in two guest presentations prepared by NATO and the European External Action Service, who are active in the field of digital diplomacy, strategic digital messaging campaigns and other digital tools that offer a great opportunity for future synergies with the EDDE project.

EDDE Steering board members join forces in Brussels for the 1st Steering Board Meeting