In the framework of the implementation of international development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia with Republic of Serbia and continuously successful cooperation in this respect with the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, a three-day workshop will be implemented in Serbia (on Zlatar) from 19 to 21 June 2018.

In April 2018 during field visit in various organisation unitswas conducted and it was determined:The system of information flow between different organisational units and competences of Serbian police in the area of illegal migrations can be optimized. There is a room for advancement.”

The workshop will be high-level and case-based, analyzing flow of information and operational cooperation in different situations involving illegal migrations, comparing the approach of Serbian police forces with approaches used in the EU and with experiences of Slovenia and looking towards improvements that can be achieved.

Project is part of program activities implemented in the cooperation with theMinistry of Interior/Police of the Republic of Slovenia and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.