A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations – 10 – 14 March 2024, Slovenia
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The Gender in Operations 5-day training programme will be delivered in cooperation between the Peace Operations Training Center and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). The residential part of the course will take place at Jable Castle in Loka pri Mengšu, Slovenia, from 10 to 14 March 2025, with individual e-learning planned before arriving to the training.
The primary objective of the training is to enhance operational effectiveness by providing participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate a gender perspective in CSDP and international missions and operations.
The course is designed for up to 25 civilian experts, police and military personnel, deployed or planning to be deployed to international missions or operations. Participants should be middle management military officials, civilians including police, and diplomats from EU Member States and EU institutions and relevant agencies who are assigned to or interested in participating in (future) CSDP, NATO, OSCE or UN missions or operations, or who are to be assigned to a position in a fragile state. The course is open to third countries.
The working language of the training will be English, and no translation services will be provided.
Attendance is free of charge for all selected participants (no tuition fee).
Sending authorities need to cover all costs for their participants’ travel and accommodation (including breakfast) during the residential part of the course.
During the course, POTC will cover the costs for:
– daily local transport (bus) between the designated hotel and the course venue;
– all costs connected with attending any social/cultural event;
– lunch, beverages and other refreshments provided during the training course at Jable castle.
More information can be found in the Invitation Letter.
Participants can apply only via the ESDC secure internet system ENLIST, by designated nominators, under https://esdc.europa.eu/enlist/login no later than 24 January 2025. A list with relevant ENLIST nominators can be retrieved from the ESDC website at https://esdc.europa.eu/nominators/. Registration will not be final until confirmed by the ESDC Secretariat and upon completion of the requested personal data in ENLIST by the confirmed participants.
For any additional questions regarding the application procedure, please contact both Esther (ESDC) at [email protected] and Danaja (POTC) at [email protected].
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media: