In the framework of the project ‘Assistance to Albanian municipalities in the preparation of the EU and other international projects’ between 23 and 26 May 2017 Centre for European Perspective (CEP) is conducting this year’s second workshop in Tirana. The workshop is a continuation of the first workshop that was held in April in Albanian Vlora. Same participants continue with the preparation of their project proposals.
Participants are representatives of local government (different municipalities and regional development agencies), various ministries, university and Donor Coordination Office of the Prime Minister. The workshop started with the presentations of logical frameworks that were prepared by all participants’ groups. Preparation of the log frames took place during the last four weeks since the first workshop has finished. The second workshop addresses the familiarization with the standard grant application pack, budget planning, risk assessment, horizontal principles, project partner search and project implementation (including reporting, evaluation and dissemination). The main objective of the second workshop is that each group of participants prepare an outline of the project proposal that could successfully compete in a concrete call.
The very successful project initially started in 2012 with a focus on strengthening the capacities of the Albanian Institutions for disbursement of funds from Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Since then, CEP conducted 8 workshops on project preparation for civil servants. Last year’s follow up on training shows that 71 project applications were submitted with 27 projects awarded (these figures are from December 2016).
CEP is preparing a training in cooperation with the Balkan Center for Cooperation and Development (BCCD), the American development agency USAID and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tirana.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
Photos: BCCD
Pripravimo uspešen projektni predlog – druga delavnica CEP v Tirani
Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) v okviru projekta ‘Pomoč albanskim občinam na področju priprave EU in drugih mednarodnih projektov’ med 23. in 26. majem 2017 v Tirani izvaja letošnjo drugo delavnico. Delavnica je nadaljevanje prve delavnice, ki je bila izvedena aprila. Ista skupina udeležencev nadaljuje s pripravami projektnih predlogov.
Udeleženci so predvsem predstavniki lokalnih oblasti (različnih občin in razvojnih agencij), med njimi pa so tudi predstavniki nekaterih ministrstev, univerze in urada predsednika vlade za koordinacijo donatorjev. Delavnica se je začela s predstavitvijo in pregledom logičnih okvirjev projektnih idej, ki so jih udeleženci, razdeljeni v skupine, pripravili v štirih tednih, kolikor je minilo od prve delavnice. V okviru druge delavnice bodo udeleženci med drugim podrobno spoznali standardno obliko projektnih razpisov, pripravo finančnega načrta projekta, oceno tveganja, upoštevanje horizontalnih načel, iskanje projektnih partnerjev in samo izvajanje pridobljenih projektov (vključno s poročanjem, evalvacijo ter diseminacijo). Cilj druge delavnice je, da ima vsaka skupina udeležencev ob koncu zasnovan okvirni projektni predlog, ki bi lahko uspešno konkuriral na konkretnem razpisu.
CEP podobna usposabljanja za albanske javne uslužbence uspešno izvaja že od leta 2012. Podatki iz decembra 2016 so zelo spodbudni in kažejo, da so občine in razvojne agencije, ki so sodelovale na usposabljanju minulo leto, prijavile 71 projektov, pri čemer so bila sredstva dodeljena 27 projektom v skupni vrednosti dobrih 3,7 milijona evrov.
CEP pripravlja usposabljanje v sodelovanju z Balkanskim centrom za sodelovanje in razvoj (BCCD), ameriško razvojno agencijo USAID in Veleposlaništvom RS v Tirani.
Projekt je del programskih aktivnosti CEP, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve iz sredstev za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje.
ENTRi is a unique capacity building programme that was initiated in early 2011. Currently the project is in its third cycle, lasting until 2019. The main focus lies on the preparation and training of civilians that are either going to, or already working in, crisis management missions worldwide. ENTRi consists of 12 partners, led by German Center for Peace Operations (ZIF) from Berlin. All 12 partners will be represented at the meeting, held at Jable Castle between 29 and 31 May.
Welcome address to the meeting will be delivered by Ms Sabina R. Stadler, Director-General for Multilateral Affairs, Development Cooperation and International Law at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. Participants will also be greeted by CEP Executive Director Dr Gorazd Justinek and Project Manager Ivana Boštjančič Pulko. In the light of Slovenia’s plans to establish its own International Peace Operations Training Centre for military, police and civilian personnel, the first part of the meeting will also be devoted to exchange of experience and lessons learnt among different international training providers and the representatives of Slovenia’s Ministry of Defence and Ministry of the Interior.
Empowering BiH’s and Kosovo’s Young Entrepreneurs is a region-wide project that supports the young entrepreneurs and youngsters with a promising start-up idea on their way to the development of the idea and launch of their own start-up company. Watch the video about the project!
Centre for European Perspective hosted a group of young entrepreneurs for a three-day training in the field of entrepreneurship and transfer of good practices from Slovenia. The participants visited Maribor, Jable Castle and Ljubljana and had a chance to get to know Slovenian entrepreneurial ecosystem and existing start-up initiatives.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
The Young BSF, an integral part of the Bled Strategic Forum, traditionally held in the days preceding the Forum, has become a unique meeting place for a diverse array of young leaders, entrepreneurs, bloggers, thinkers and socially active individuals, offering them a platform to share their visions, exchange ideas and network with one another throughout the year. The Young BSF is organised jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Centre for European Perspective.
Each year Young BSF gathers young people, who engage in vibrant dialogues on current most pressing issues, address inventive approaches in promoting positive change and finding solutions to the many complex challenges.
The Young BSF model is growing and changing annually. The topics have varied and ideas evolved, but the main objective remained clear: to bring together bold, brave and action-oriented individuals from different walks of life, both foreigners and Slovenians, and offers them a collaborative, creative, and inspiring environment for discussion and networking.
This year’s Young BSF will be held on 2 – 4 September 2017 under the title “The (Dis)connected Reality” addressing the three E-s of today globalized world – electronics, environment and economy. The three main topics will be further examined through the main panels: Electronics: the future of people in the land of robots?, Environment: No flow, no go?, and The Virtual Reality of Economy and the Real Sector.
The Young BSF departs from the simple, yet exciting perspective: “We live in interesting and turbulent times. A prominent Slovenian novelist Bartol would say that nothing is real and everything is allowed. The realities of our physical world seem to be completely disconnected with the reality that we are trying to live, the virtual reality where all our wishes seem to be possible.”
The 2017 Young BSF will give visionary young leaders an opportunity to form real, connected or virtual partnerships and networks. This goal-oriented forum will seek to prompt discussions and create synergies of different ideas, turning them into connected or disconnected realities of and for everyone. Read more about Young BSF here.
In the framework of the project ‘Assistance to Albanian municipalities in the preparation of the EU and other international projects’ between 23 and 26 May 2017 Centre for European Perspective (CEP) will conduct the second workshop in Tirana. The workshop is continuation of the first workshop that was held in April in Albanian Vlora. Same participants will continue with the preparation of their project ideas.
In the four weeks that have passed since the first workshop the participants prepared a logical frameworks for their project ideas. The logical frameworks were submitted to the trainers who have checked them and will continue to work on them with the participants next week. The main objective of the second workshop is that each group of participants prepare an outline of the project proposal that could successfully compete on a concrete call.
CEP is preparinga training in cooperation with the Balkan Center for Cooperation and Development (BCCD), the American development agency USAID and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tirana.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.