On Wednesday, November 27, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) organised the third edition of the training activity on disruptive military technologies and practices. The training took place in the Knight’s Hall of Jable Castle in Mengeš.
The programme included lectures on drone warfare, the role of AI in the battlefield, how international criminal law is handling technological advances and neuro-warfare.
Distinguished experts from leading institutions delivered the lectures, representing a unique blend of private and public sector insights. Participating lecturers came from Timtec Defense, the Jožef Štefan Institute (IJS), the Institute of Criminology at the Law Faculty in Ljubljana, and Georgetown University. The seminar included a pivotal presentation from a representative of the Military Technology, Research and Development Section of the Ministry of Defence, potentially marking the beginning of a promising collaboration with POTC.
Participants engaged in rich discussions, gaining valuable insights into the complex security challenges of the future and exploring innovative approaches to emerging technological threats. The interactive nature of the seminar allowed for meaningful dialogue between experts and attendees, fostering a deeper understanding of the rapidly evolving military technology landscape.
All participants who completed the full training received an official certificate of participation, recognising their commitment to understanding these critical developments.
The organisers extend heartfelt thanks to the lecturers and participants for their exceptional engagement and thought-provoking discussions, which contributed to the seminar’s success.
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After two successful outings, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organising the third edition of the activity on disruptive military technologies and practices. The seminar will take place on November 27, 2024, at Jable Castle in Mengeš.
The programme includes lectures on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Slovenian-made drones, cybersecurity, neuroscience and its implications for modern warfare, as well as space technologies.
Participants will gain valuable insights into the security challenges of the future and have the opportunity to discuss new security approaches with leading experts.
Those who attend the entire seminar will receive an official certificate of participation. Registrations are open until November 10, 2024, and participation is free of charge. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.
Osrednja tema seminarja je sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupnostmi, kar je ključnega pomena za uspešno izvajanje mirovnih operacij in misij. Na seminarju bo 6 strokovnjakov seznanilo udeležence z najboljšimi praksami, metodami in mehanizmi vključevanja lokalnih deležnikov ter poudarilo pomen vključevanja skupnosti v procese ohranjanja miru.
Cilji seminarja so podpiranje odpornosti in odgovornosti skupnosti ter razvoj spretnosti za učinkovito sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupinami. Udeleženci bodo pridobili dragocena znanja, ki bodo prispevala k njihovi večji uspešnosti na terenu.
Ne zamudite priložnosti za poglobitev vaših veščin in sodelovanje z izkušenimi strokovnjaki.
Registracija je obvezna, zadnji rok je 27. oktober 2024. Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, udeležba pa vam bo omogočila pridobitev certifikata.
Za več informacij o usposabljanju in še več nas lahko spremljate na družbenih omrežjih:
On the 30th of November, the 1st solo edition of the Disruptive Military Practices & Technologies Training will be held at POTC’s home base – Jable Castle for a group of dedicated participants mainly coming from the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.
The aim of the Disruptive Military Practices & Technologies Training is to address the emergence of new threats and opportunities in the security and defence field. More concretely, the sessions will focus on the following subjects:
Space Weather: insights into the influence of space weather on critical infrastructure;
Space Technologies and their Applications: the latest developments in space technologies and their practical applications in the defence sector;
EU Technological Sovereignty: addressing the crucial topic of maintaining technological sovereignty within the European Union;
The Disruptive Potential of AI in the Field of Security: understanding the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on national and international security.
The participants of the training will have the chance to hear about and discuss these important topics with leading lecturers whose insights are invaluable. The field of emerging technologies and their influence on our common security are topics that need addressing, especially because we live in an interconnected world where technology is developing exponentially while our human understanding of it seems to lagging behind.
The call for applications is extended until November 24th at the following link: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
For more information about the training you can follow us on social media:
The past week, 21 participants attended the International Humanitarian Law & Military Practice Developments Training for Military Personnel where we delved into what is currently going in the international arena, the defence challenges ahead and took a look at Slovenia’s space outlook.
The training also took us to the Noordung Center in Vitanje where we discovered Slovenia’s defence capabilities connected to space. The training also included topics such as targetting according to international law, disruptive military technologies, and neurocognitive science in military and intelligence operations. No stone was left unturned and the participants received an extensive overview of current practices and future challenges.
This training would not have been possible without the cooperation of the Ministry of Defence.
Group photo at the Noordung Space CenterProfessor dr. Vasilka SancinSamo Selimović, POTC CoordinatorLecture at Noordung Space CenterBojan Pipenbaher, Head of Department