Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

The POTC team brought the second set of 4-day workshops for 19 local representatives from 6 municipalities around Prijedor to an end. As the end of the second module was also the end of the Workshop on EU Project Proposal Writing, the participants were awarded Certificates of participation. Local participants are now equipped and familiarised with the following topics:

  • project application and planning techniques
  • project implementation
  • project finance management
  • cross-border and transnational integration.

The goal – raising the competence of local representatives in the preparation of project proposals for EU funds (key for further European integration of BiH) – was successfully reached with the support of Ministrstvo za obrambo RS/Slovenian Ministry of Defence and Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS / Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.