ROSE Action with new solutions for exchange of e-Invoices in public procurement in Slovenia and the European Union

ROSE Action with new solutions for exchange of e-Invoices in public procurement in Slovenia and the European Union

“Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE), a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective, is entering the analytical and conceptual solutions phase, throughout which the partners will continue to raise awareness and promote exchange of e-Invoices in the EU. They discussed the achievements so far and future goals at the second Steering Board Meeting hosted by the Centre for European Perspective on 27 July 2017.

The key objective of the consortium that is addressing the European Directive on electronic invoicing in public procurement (2014/55/EU), is to set up supporting technical environment that will allow them to upgrade the existing system of e-Invoicing for the budget users and to establish a system for the contracting entities (i.e. public service providers other than budget users). Both systems will enable the contracting authorities and contracting entities to receive and accept e-Invoices in accordance with the European standards on e-Invoicing.

e-Invoice recipients’ entity database, that will be set up by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, is following the decision of the European Directive according to which the ability to use the e-Invoicing system is also required from public service providers other than budget users. Among those we most often find local utility and other public services companies. The consortium will to a large extent focus on trainings that will help them understand the standardization of the e-Invoicing in the EU and in Slovenia. EU Member States and the European Commission introduced the new European standard mainly due to the diversity of the e-Invoices formats, used in various EU countries. Such diversity leads to unnecessary complexity and high costs for economic operators and public entities and prevents electronic invoices to flow seamlessly across the EU which limits effectiveness of the Digital Single Market.

Solutions developed through the ROSE project, will include nationally-specific e-Invoicing standard eSlog 2.0 in compliance with European standards, a platform for transposition and receipt of e-Invoices sent in one of the European standards, e-Invoices recipients’ e database and upgraded single entry and exit points for exchange of e-Invoices at the Public Payments Administration.

National conference, devoted to better understanding of public service providers concerning receipt of e-invoices and presentation of accomplishments of the ROSE project will be organized on 25 September 2017 in Ljubljana.

Projekt ROSE z novimi rešitvami za Slovenijo in Evropsko unijo pri izmenjavi e-računov pri javnem naročanju

Projekt “Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE), ki ga s finančno podporo Evropske komisije izvajajo Uprava Republike Slovenije za javna plačila, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. ter Center za evropsko prihodnost, tekom poletnih mesecev prehaja v analitično fazo oziroma fazo oblikovanja konceptualnih rešitev ob vzporednih naporih za boljšo ozaveščenosti in promocijo izmenjave e-računov v EU. O dosedanjih in prihodnjih dosežkih je tekla razprava na drugem sestanku usmerjevalnega odbora, ki ga je gostil Center za evropsko prihodnost dne 27. julija 2017.

Ključni namen trenutnih prizadevanj konzorcija, ki s projektom naslavljajo evropsko direktivo o prejemanju elektronskih računov pri javnem naročanju (2014/55/EU), je vzpostaviti podporno tehnološko okolje za nadgradnjo sistema za proračunske porabnike in vzpostavitev sistem za ostale zavezance, vpisane v nastajajoč Register prejemnikov eRačunov, ki bo omogočal prejem in prevzem eRačunov v skladu z evropskimi standardi o eRačunih.

Register prejemnikov eRačunov, ki ga bo vzpostavila Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, sledi zahtevam evropske direktive, da tudi izvajalci javnih storitev, ki niso proračunski porabniki, v svoje poslovanje uvedejo e-račune. Med tovrstnimi izvajalci so v Sloveniji prisotna predvsem lokalna komunalna podjetja in drugi izvajalci javnih storitev. Prav tem bodo namenjena tudi usposabljanja, ki bodo pripomogla k razumevanju standardizacije e-računov v Evropski uniji in Sloveniji. Države EU in Evropska komisija so namreč evropski standard za e-račune uvedle zaradi raznolikih formatov e-računov, ki se uporabljajo v državah EU. Raznolikost namreč vodi v nepotrebno zapletenost in visoke stroške za gospodarske subjekte in javne institucije in preprečuje, da bi elektronski računi tekoče krožili znotraj EU oziroma omejuje učinkovito delovanje Enotnega digitalnega trga EU.

Tehnična rešitev, ki bo izdelana tekom projekta ROSE, bo zajemala nacionalno specifični standard za elektronske račune eSLOG 2.0, ki bo usklajen z evropskimi standardi, platformo za prevajanje in prejem eRačunov, poslanih v enem od standardov, veljavnih v Evropski uniji, register prejemnikov eRačunov ter nadgradnjo vstopne točke za prejemnike eRačunov pri Upravi RS za javna plačila.

Nacionalna konferenca, namenjena boljši seznanjenosti izvajalcev javnih storitev glede prejemanja e-računov in predstavitvi prvih rezultatov projekta bo organizirana 25. septembra 2017 v Ljubljani.

Slovenia is a valued Balkan aid donor

Slovenia is a valued Balkan aid donor

oecd report

Slovenia has built up a sound development programme over the last 12 years, particularly in the Western Balkans, and should now work on tightening its focus in other regions in order to get the most impact from its aid contributions, according to a new OECD report. The first DAC Peer Review of Slovenia welcomes a steady rise in Slovenia’s foreign aid budget in the last few years, although it notes that an increase in funds spent on hosting foreign refugees arriving in Slovenia has been a factor pushing up official development assistance (ODA) levels. In-donor refugee costs made up 11.2% of Slovenia’s ODA in 2015.

Slovenia sends two thirds of its bilateral aid to countries in the Western Balkans, where it is able to share its transition experience as an early joiner among former Yugoslav Republics of the European Union and NATO, and is helping to develop poor areas. The Review recommends that Slovenia narrows its geographic and thematic focus in other regions to avoid spreading its aid too thinly outside the Balkans.

“It is encouraging to see Slovenia increasing its development aid and showing such willingness to share its transition experience with countries in the Western Balkans striving for a similar path,” said DAC Chair Charlotte Petri Gornitzka. “Outside the Balkans, Slovenia can enhance its impact by focusing more on a smaller number of high-value projects, delivered through partnerships in carefully selected countries and sectors.”

An OECD member since 2010, Slovenia joined the Organisation’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in 2013, having begun its development co-operation programme in 2005. The biggest share of Slovenia’s bilateral aid is spent on areas the DAC sees as key, such as strengthening good governance, the rule of law and social infrastructure and services.

Slovenia provided 0.18% of its gross national income, or USD 80 million, as ODA in 2016, up from 0.15% (USD 63 million) in 2015. That compares with a DAC average of 0.32% and a UN target of 0.70% which only six DAC donors have reached. Slovenia committed in 2005 to provide 0.33% of GNI as ODA by 2015 but pushed the target back to 2030 after the global economic crisis knocked its budget plans off course.

Slovenia’s aid is made up 100% of grants, with no loans included, and the country complies with the DAC’s ODA reporting rules. Slovenia has not yet reported other official flows or private flows to developing countries to the DAC, however, and is encouraged to do so.

The top five recipients of Slovenian aid in 2015 were Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo. Slovenia sent only 15.1% of its ODA to least-developed countries in 2015, below a DAC average of 28.4%.

Each DAC member is reviewed every five years in order to monitor its performance, hold it accountable for past commitments and recommend improvements. Reviews use input from officials in the Review country and partner countries – Montenegro and Cabo Verde for this Review – as well as civil society and the private sector. Read more on DAC Peer Reviews.

The DAC Peer Review of Slovenia – full report.

Main conclusions.

OECD Press Release.

MFA Slovenia Press Release.

The Western Balkans in the European Union: Perspectives of a region in Europe?

The Western Balkans in the European Union: Perspectives of a region in Europe?

MIB panel Easy Resize.jpgReflection Forum on the run-up to the Summit of Trieste on the Western Balkans

Second Reflection Forum took place in Trieste, Italy between 26th and 27th of June and convened a wide range of different experts working in national and European administrations and institutions, as well as researchers affiliated with European think-tanks and Universities in the EU and Western Balkans. Event was organized under the patronage of Italian MFA as a process leading to the next intergovernmental conference on the Western Balkans hosted by Italy in July, 2017.

Second reflection forum was dedicated to regional cooperation, where three areas of reflection have been identified: the resurgence of bilateral and regional tensions, the gap between regional cooperation in repressive and enabling security matters and the pitfalls of gendered models of economic development.

Speakers were not delivering their presentations ex-cathedra, but used a participatory and interactive approach, where debates were moderated by experienced experts. Platform was provided for interesting debates touching upon issues like what comes after the Berlin process, where ideas spurred around building on achievements so far, but also finding a more participatory, innovative and regional approach, since actions so far have not yet provided viable results. It was also stressed that following years are crucial for deciding what do we actually want from EU and who do we want to see in it, since influence of non-EU countries in the WB is increasing. Further on debate revolved around contribution of the WB to the EU, and discussing what the region could actually bring to the Europe. On the other side, participants from the WB remained less optimistic and argued there is no such thing as enlargement, which is according to them not happening, and new, innovative solutions will have to be implemented; while questions arose on what has actually gone wrong, since even years of democratization and EU integration have not brought the region onto the right path. Importance of investing into infrastructure and knowledge was stressed as a prerequisite for any further development of WB.

At the end of two-days event, CEP has together with the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a closing dinner in Portorož, Slovenia. Diner was opened by Mr Peter Grk, National Coordinator for Western Balkans at the Slovenian MFA, who stressed the importance of such events, where opinion can be exchanged and common solutions provided. He also stressed the importance of stability in the Western Balkans for stability of all Europe, and shortly presented what Slovenia does in the field.

Event was:

Organised by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome; Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Nice/Berlin/Istanbul; Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (CFA), Vienna.

In cooperation with French Institute for International Relations (Ifri), Paris; Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin; Austrian Institute for International Politics (Oiip), Vienna; European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Paris; Centre for European Perspective (CEP), Ljubljana; Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory (BiEPAG), Graz; Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC), Rovereto.

With the support of Central European Initiative (CEI); Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France; Federal Ministry for European, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria; Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany; Friedrich-Ebert Foundation (FES), Berlin/Sarajevo.

Read the programme.

Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week

Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week

»Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week« will take place between the 20–23 September 2017 at Slovenian coast.

The traditional event aims to raise awareness on the sea and coast and their natural resources and economic potential, as well as to expose the risks to which the sea and coast are exposed to due to the natural phenomena and human actions.Organizers are promising numerous interesting activities. The event will bring together practitioners, experts and general public. Special attention will be given to the stakeholders’ views on the state of play and the future of the sea and coastal management.

The Mediterranean countries are celebrating the Mediterranean Coast Day since its launch on the 25th of September 2007. The 25th of September was chosen as the Mediterranean Coast Day to honor Slovenia as the first country in the Mediterranean region which ratified the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2009. The ICZM Protocol is a unique legal instrument which allows the countries in the Mediterranean to better manage and protect their coastal zones in pursuit of sustainable development. Each year, one of the Mediterranean countries is a host of the Mediterranean Coast Day main celebration, while other countries organize their own events.

In Slovenia, the celebration is widely known as the “Mediterranean Coast Week” and is inextricably linked to the regional cooperation under the three European macro-regional strategies which are implemented in the Slovenian territory, namely the Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine strategy.

Focus of this year’s Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week is “Living with the sea”.

The Indicative programme is as follows:

Opening ceremony
Roundtable, Showcase of on-going projects
Conference on media and communication on macro-regional strategies

Conference on media and communication on macro-regional strategies, Workshops

Workshops on topics related to marine spatial and development planning

2017 Clean coast – clean-up action
Closing of the 2017 Mediterranean Coast Week hosted by Slovenia

Further information about the event will be available on the dedicated website of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) in the next weeks:

Slovenia’s support discussed with Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia Spasovski

Slovenia’s support discussed with Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia Spasovski

On the margins of the International Development Cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia within the framework of support to the Republic of Macedonia, on 29 June 2017 the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia Oliver Spasovski received a Slovenian delegation in the following composition: Andreja Dolničar Jeraj, CEP Programme Director and Head of Delegation; Harij Furlan, Head of State Prosecutions Office for Organised Crime and Corruption; Darko Majhenič, Director of National Investigation Bureau; Damjana Slapar Burkat, Head of Sector for Investigation in the Financial Administration; Jože Levašič, District State Prosecutor in the State Prosecutions Office for Organised Crime and Corruption; Igor Razpotnik, Head of Investigations in National Investigation Bureau; and Karmen Šemrl, Expert for Knowledge Transfer.

Minister thanked for the support provided by Slovenia to the Ministry of Interior and Macedonia in the accession to the EU in optimising the system of financial investigations and confiscation of unlawful proceeds of crime and property of illegal origin. Minister Spasovski and Programme Director Andreja Dolničar Jeraj agreed that the cooperation and coordination among law enforcement authorities in financial investigations of organised crime and corruption is of particular importance. Minister Spasovski reaffirmed willingness of the Ministry of Interior regarding reform initiative and expressed political support for achievement of sustainable results and expectations that well established cooperation will be further strengthened with additional Slovenian’s support in any of other reform needs.

O slovenskem razvojnem sodelovanju z ministrom za notranje zadeve Republike Makedonije Spasovskim

Ob robu aktivnosti v okviru projekta mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja Republike Slovenije z Republiko Makedonijo je v četrtek, 29. 6. 2017, minister za notranje zadeve Oliver Spasovski sprejel slovensko delegacijo v naslednji sestavi: Andreja Dolničar Jeraj, programska direktorica in vodja delegacije; Harij Furlan, vodja Specializiranega državnega tožilstva, Darko Majhenič, direktor Nacionalnega preiskovalnega urada, Damjana Slapar Burkat, vodja Sektorja za preiskave Finančne uprave, Jože Levašič, okrožni državni tožilec v Specializiram državnem tožilstvu, Igor Razpotnik, vodja preiskav na Nacionalnem preiskovalnem uradu, in Karmen Šemrl, strokovnjakinja za prenos izkušenj.

Minister se je zahvalil za pomoč, ki jo Slovenija namenja MNZ in Makedoniji pri približevanju EU v optimizaciji sistema finančnih preiskav in odvzemov protipravno pridobljene premoženjske koristi in premoženja nezakonitega izvora. Minister Spasovski in programska direktorica Andreja Dolničar Jeraj sta se strinjala, da je zelo pomembno dobro sodelovanje in koordinacija med organi v finančnih preiskavah organiziranega kriminala in korupcije. Minister Spasovski je potrdil pripravljenost Ministrstva za notranje zadeve glede prevzemanja reformne pobude in izrazil politično podporo za doseganje trajnostnih rezultatov ter pričakovanje, da se bo dobro sodelovanje še utrdilo s podporo Slovenije v še kateri od reformnih potreb MNZ.

MRSS znak manjsi