European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Training in Slovenia: Empowering Government Communicators for the Digital Landscape

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Training in Slovenia: Empowering Government Communicators for the Digital Landscape

Due to the enduring complexities brought forth by the global COVID-19 pandemic and recent geopolitical transformations, the demand for effective communication strategies has never been more needed. In this dynamic landscape, where the digital realm profoundly influences the dissemination and reception of information, government communicators face a pivotal challenge. They must navigate through the labyrinth of misinformation, ensuring that their messages resonate authentically and engender trust among audiences. With each day, it becomes more evident that adept utilisation of digital skills is paramount for governmental communicators striving to maintain credibility and efficacy in their messaging efforts.

Centre for European Perspective (CEP) and the U.S. Department of State are organising a four-day training session, scheduled from February 27 to March 1, 2024, against the stunning backdrop of Bled. This event will bring together government communicators from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine, to enhance their skills and expertise in the realm of digital strategic messaging.

Themed “Enhancing Digital Strategic Messaging,” the training focuses on equipping participants with essential skills to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. Led by leading experts, sessions delve into techniques for audience analysis, segmentation, and persuasive communication strategies tailored to specific demographics. Attendees will gain insights into the integration of visuals and other elements to bolster messaging effectiveness alongside practical exercises providing tangible solutions for implementation within their ministries. With an emphasis on strategic thinking and practical solutions, participants will leave armed with a roadmap for future digital communication endeavours.

The project is a result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Centre for European Perspective.

Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges

Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges

Mengeš, 22 February 2024 – Today, Jable Castle hosted a panel discussion on the topic of Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges. Joining us to open the discussion officially was Ms Nataša Pirc Musar, President of Slovenia.

The event participants were welcomed by the Project Manager of the Centre for European Perspective, Ms Ingrid Omahna, who provided a few opening remarks. Following Ms Omahna, Ms Nataša Pirc Musar gave an introductory speech remarking on the importance of fighting disinformation to protect our democracies. She emphasized the significance of the current year marked by numerous elections across 70 countries.

The moderator of the discussion was Ms Neelu Shanker, Chargée d’affaires of the Embassy of Canada. The panellists were Mr Jean-Christophe Boucher, Associate Professor of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, Canada and Ms Miriam Možgan, Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the Republic of Slovenia.

The panel discussion revolved around addressing the global threat of disinformation, particularly its impact on elections and democratic processes. Discussions included the urgency of combating disinformation, upcoming legislative measures in the EU, and the evolving response of tech corporations. Presentations focused on AI-driven approaches to analyze and counter disinformation and the societal impacts of misinformation, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and media literacy to combat this challenge effectively.


The event was organised in partnership with the Embassy of Canada in Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In-Country Visits: Kosovo and Montenegro

In-Country Visits: Kosovo and Montenegro

Novica v slovenščini je dostopna tukaj.

In the final stretch of the Western Balkan tour, the project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans visited Kosovo and Montenegro in the week of 12-16 February.

In roundtable discussions with local experts, national governments, media, civil society, representatives of the academia and the international community, the priority of countering foreign perpetrated disinformation was reiterated as a matter of supporting democratic development, peace and security, and the EU integration of the region. Participants welcomed initiatives such as this Project that bring to the same table different societal sectors and appreciated the opportunity to exchange experiences and insights with peers from across Europe: the European External Action Service, the Centre against Hybrid Threats from the Czech Republic and the Brussels-based EU DisinfoLab. Cooperation was the word of the day during the dynamic and engaging debates, calling for a greater, more consistent and structured exchange between governments, media, and civil society, and between local stakeholders and international peers. Many good practices that were noted during the discussions stemmed precisely from such cooperative efforts.

With the visits to Kosovo and Montenegro in February 2024, the Project concluded its tour of the Western Balkans. The lessons learned during all six visits will feed into the remaining activities of the project that will follow this spring!

The Project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in the Western Balkans is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia through development cooperation funds.

POTC and EUCTI Partner for Deepening Peace Operations Training Efforts with Gender Mainstreaming Training in Mongolia

POTC and EUCTI Partner for Deepening Peace Operations Training Efforts with Gender Mainstreaming Training in Mongolia

In a concerted effort to strengthen the effectiveness of peace missions and operations, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), in cooperation with the Mongolian State and supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), will host a 4-day training programme on “Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions” in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from March 11-15, 2024.

Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.

This intensive Gender Mainstreaming programme targets personnel currently deployed or preparing to deploy on peace missions and operations. Through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of:

  • Gender concepts and frameworks: Examining the impact of gender on conflict dynamics and how analysis informs effective peacekeeping strategies.
  • Protection of women and girls: Delving into best practices for preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence (CRSV).
  • UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security: Navigating the international legal framework promoting gender equality in peacekeeping operations.
  • Communication and advocacy: Developing skills to communicate effectively about gender issues within missions and with local communities.

By equipping peacekeepers with the necessary knowledge and skills about gender mainstreaming, this training programme represents a crucial step towards building more inclusive, effective, and sustainable peace efforts.

For more information about our training activities and more, you can follow us on social media:

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POTC’s Work Programme for 2024 is the Most Ambitious to Date

POTC’s Work Programme for 2024 is the Most Ambitious to Date

POTC’s Work Programme for 2024 is here, and this year, our ambitions and those of our Ministries are as resolute as ever.

Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.

The 2024 scheduled Work Programme contains 15 activities, all aimed at the enhancement of peace operations skills and knowledge of our peace personnel and that of our allies. View the whole list of activities below.

1. Training of Trainers – Namibia 8. – 12. 1. 2024
2. Gender Mainstreaming in UN Peace Operations and Missions Training 11. – 15. 3. 2024
3. A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations 18. 3. – 21. 3. 2024
4. Cultural Heritage Protection Workshop (EUM Armenia & EUMM Georgia) 25. 4. 2024
5. Climate Change, Peace and Security Training 20. – 22. 5. 2024
6. Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) 2. – 7. 6. 2024
7. Trafficking of People – Training of Trainers (ToT) 10. 9. 2024
8. Environmental Peacebuilding Training (with the Geneva Water Hub) 30. 9. – 4. 10. 2024
9. Disruptive Military Technologies and Practices Training TBA
10. Sahel Region: Peace and Security Perspective Seminar TBA
11. Engagement with the Local Community Training TBA
12. Strategic Communication in Peace Operations Training TBA
13. Personal Security Training for MFA Personnel23 23. 5. 2024
14. Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Training TBA
15. International Humanitarian Law Training TBA

In these trying times, POTC aims to deliver valuable skills and knowledge to peace personnel with diverse training activities and a comprehensive Work Programme that will ensure a more peaceful and secure Slovenia, our region and the globe.

For more information about our training activities and more, you can follow us on social media:

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