Seminar o sodelovanju z lokalnimi skupnostmi: Ključ do uspešnega ohranjanja miru

Seminar o sodelovanju z lokalnimi skupnostmi: Ključ do uspešnega ohranjanja miru

2. decembra 2024 bo na Gradu Jable v Mengšu potekal seminar namenjen predstavnikom Slovenske vojske, Policije in nevladnih organizacij.

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Osrednja tema seminarja je sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupnostmi, kar je ključnega pomena za uspešno izvajanje mirovnih operacij in misij. Na seminarju bo 6 strokovnjakov seznanilo udeležence z najboljšimi praksami, metodami in mehanizmi vključevanja lokalnih deležnikov ter poudarilo pomen vključevanja skupnosti v procese ohranjanja miru.

Cilji seminarja so podpiranje odpornosti in odgovornosti skupnosti ter razvoj spretnosti za učinkovito sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupinami. Udeleženci bodo pridobili dragocena znanja, ki bodo prispevala k njihovi večji uspešnosti na terenu.

Ne zamudite priložnosti za poglobitev vaših veščin in sodelovanje z izkušenimi strokovnjaki.

Registracija je obvezna, zadnji rok je 27. oktober 2024. Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, udeležba pa vam bo omogočila pridobitev certifikata.

Prijave potekajo prek povezave ali preko e-pošte na [email protected].

Za več informacij o usposabljanju in še več nas lahko spremljate na družbenih omrežjih:

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Sixth UA-SI mentorship with Slovenian municipality Postojna

Sixth UA-SI mentorship with Slovenian municipality Postojna

2-25 October 2024, online – We are finalising the activities to kick off the sixth three-week mentorship under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’, which will take place online. Joining the mentors from Postojna are representatives of Pechenizka hromada’s department of economic development. Mentors from Postojna will share their experience and good practice on project preparation, rural tourism development and vocational and adult education.

The visit is one of a kind as it will take place entirely online due to the closeness of the Pechenizka hromada (Kharkiv oblast) to the front line and will conclude with a closing event on 26 October.

The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

BSF 2024 – A World of Parallel Realities

BSF 2024 – A World of Parallel Realities

Za novico v slovenskem jeziku kliknite tu.

The 19th International Conference Bled Strategic Forum will take place in Bled on 2 and 3 September. This year’s event is titled “A World of Parallel Realities”.

The focus of the Bled Strategic Forum 2024 will be a call to work together for the common goodby listening, by hearing, and by going beyond one’s own views.

We are living in a time of great global transformation, which has the potential to shape our common future profoundly. At such a time, the ability to hear and listen in the international community is crucial if we are to find effective and sustainable solutions. This is what this year’s Bled Strategic Forum offers – an inclusive platform where the different voices, perspectives and reflections of key players in the global multilateral environment are heard and taken into account. We believe that constant and constructive dialogue is the only way to build a multilateral system that operates on universally accepted norms.

This year, BSF will once again host a wide range of interesting guests from the worlds of politics, business and civil society. It will touch on all the most crucial challenges of global society while also raising themes that have the potential to shape our common future. The most exciting panels will therefore include a panel on the (dys)functioning of the global multilateral framework (including Slovenia’s experience in the work of the UNSC so far), a panel on the Middle East, preparations for the Future Summit, the Indo-Pacific, India, disinformation, food security, energy and much more.

As one of the novelties of the Bled Strategic Forum 2024 programme, an innovative concept of “Living library” will be introduced. This is an interactive event where people with different experiences and backgrounds on a chosen topic act as “books”. Conference participants (“readers”) talk to them and learn about their stories and perspectives on the topic.

The Bled Strategic Forum continues to strengthen its partnerships and, this year is working with more than ten key global thinkers from different continents to shape the programme. It continues its long-standing collaboration with leading organisations such as the Atlantic Council, the Nelson Mandela Center and the BMW Foundation. This year, for the first time, it is working with the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity and the Oxford Process on International Law Protections in Cyberspace. Collaborating with global partners allows for a broader understanding of global issues, a wider range of speakers and topics, and the inclusion of new perspectives.

This year, for the 13th time, the Young Bled Strategic Forum will take place on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. This year, 42 selected young people from all over the world will take part in the event, which will take place in Pokljuka between 30 August and 1 September. They will focus on the causes of the existence of different realities and on ways to reunite them in a programme entitled “Restoring Common Ground“. This year, the participants of the Young Bled Strategic Forum will also be actively involved in the Bled Strategic Forum International Conference. They will have the opportunity to participate as speakers in the debates, the priority to ask questions in the debate (the so-called first question opportunity) and the possibility to organise their own debates within the Forum.

On plans for more effective Slovenian development cooperation with Minister Fajon

On plans for more effective Slovenian development cooperation with Minister Fajon

This week, CEP Executive Director Ms Nina Čepon and Head of International Development Cooperation Department Ms Jelka Klemenc joined the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, for a meeting of Slovenian development cooperation institutions. They were joined by representatives from the Centre for Excellence in Finance (CEF), the Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR), and ITF Enhancing Human Security.

Minister Fajon began by presenting the results of the OECD Development Assistance Committee peer review of Slovenia’s development cooperation and humanitarian aid. This peer review recognised Slovenia’s institutions as a comparative advantage and an example of good practice for other members of the OECD DAC. The main recommendations in this area were to reduce the number of partner countries in which Slovenia operates to choose fewer projects and to increase their value. Minister Fajon highlighted that implementing institutions play a vital role in implementing Slovenia’s commitments under the Development Strategy 2030, enhancing Slovenia’s reputation as a development partner and positively impacting the local population. She also emphasized the need to streamline projects and increase their impact, expressed her gratitude for successful cooperation, and pledged continued support, including easing administrative challenges.

CEP has been the official provider of Slovenia’s international development cooperation to Southeast European countries in the European Union accession process. Our activities follow Slovenia’s foreign policy priorities and objectives, ensuring our work benefits the beneficiary country.

Photo credit: Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Mengeš, Slovenia – 4–6 September 2024

In an era where digital communication is both a powerful tool and a formidable challenge, government communicators must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. To support these efforts, the U.S. Department of State and Centre for European Perspective (CEP) are hosting a specialized three-day training on the topic of “Advanced Digital Strategic Messaging.”

This event, which will take place in Mengeš, will bring together government communicators from 19 different countries to enhance their skills in digital strategic messaging. The training is designed to equip participants with cutting-edge tools and techniques needed to navigate today’s complex communication environment.

Participants will engage in intensive sessions led by esteemed international experts from different fields. The training will cover various topics, including digital presence in the digital society, support for the connection through engaging dialogue, focusing on opportunities for podcast creation, possibilities of cooperation with influencers, and theoretical and practical knowledge on integrating advanced visuals and multimedia elements into messaging.  In addition to technical skills, the program will address critical areas such as crisis communications and strategies to counteract disinformation—key components for maintaining credibility and trust in governmental messaging.

The project is the result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, in the scope of the programme of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

Further information:
Ingrid Omahna

Head of Programme, Strategic Communication

Centre  for European Perspective


Napredno usposabljanje o digitalnem strateškem komuniciranju v Mengšu, Slovenija

Mengeš, Slovenija – 4. do 6. september 2024

Živimo v času hitrih sprememb, kjer digitalna komunikacija igra ključno volgo in lahko predstavlja tako prednost kot tudi izziv. Vladni komunikatorji se morajo konstantno prilagajati in izobraževati, da sledijo hitro se spremnjajočim trendom. V ta namen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) organizirata tridnevno usposabljanje z naslovom »Napredno digitalno strateško komuniciranje«.

Dogodek, ki bo potekal v Mengšu med 4. septembrom 2024 in 6. septembrom 2024, bo povezal vladne komunikatorje iz 19 različnih držav z namenom izboljšanja veščin digitalnega strateškega komuniciranja. Usposabljanje je zasnovano z ciljem, da udeležencem zagotovi orodja in tehnike, potrebne za uspešno delovanje v kompleksnem komunikacijskem okolju.

Udeleženci bodo sodelovali na več predavanjih in aktivnostih, ki jih bodo vodili priznani mednarodni strokovnjaki z različnih področij. Program usposabljanja bo zajemal ključne teme, kot so vzpostavljanje digitalne prisotnosti v digitalni družbi, izgradnje vključujočega dialoga, vloga umetne inteligence pri krepitvi strateških komunikacij, uporabo podkastov in možnosti sodelovanja z digitalnimi vplivneži ter vključevanje naprednih vizualnih in multimedijskih elementov v komuniciranje. Poleg pridobivanja tehničnih veščin, bodo udeleženci sodelovali v krepitvi institucionalnega znanja o pomembnih področjih, kot so krizno komuniciranje in strategije za boj proti dezinformacijam, ki sta ključni za ohranjanje verodostojnosti in zaupanja v vladno komuniciranje.

Projekt je rezultat sodelovanja Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Centra za evropsko prihodnost v partnerstvu z Ministrstvom za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije v okviru programa Razvojnega sodelovanja in humanitarne pomoči.



Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni asistent

Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni asistent

Ustanova – Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) razpisuje delovno mesto:

PROJEKTNI ASISTENT (1 delovno mesto) – M/Ž


Projektni asistent opravlja naslednje naloga: pomoč pri pripravi projektov, samostojno oblikovanje manj zahtevnih gradiv, informacij, poročil in drugih gradiv, podpora pri izvajanju projektov ter druge naloge v skladu z navodili.

Trajanje zaposlitve: 1 leto s poskusno dobo treh mesecev; z možnostjo podaljšanja zaposlitve. Delo se opravlja na sedežu CEP, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš.

Na razpisano delovno mesto bo imenovan kandidat, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:

  • državljanstvo države članice Evropske unije,
  • najmanj visoka strokovna (prva stopnja) izobrazba družboslovne smeri,
  • najmanj osem (8) mesecev relevantnih delovnih izkušenj,
  • poznavanje področja mednarodnih odnosov in evropskih zadev,
  • vozniški izpit B kategorije,
  • tekoče ustno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika (C1),
  • usposobljenost za delo z računalnikom (delo s urejevalniki besedil, preglednicami, bazami podatkov; poznavanje računalniških omrežij, operacijskih sistemov),
  • organizacijske in komunikacijske sposobnosti,
  • izkušnje sodelovanja z vladnim, nevladnim sektorjem ali EU strukturami,
  • sposobnost postavljanja prioritet,
  • natančnost in visok standard za kakovostno opravljeno delo,
  • sposobnost samostojnega komuniciranja in predstavljanja,
  • samoiniciativnost in timska naravnanost.


Prednost bodo imeli kandidati:

  • z izkušnjami delovanja v mednarodnem okolju,
  • s poznavanjem projektnega menedžmenta,
  • z izkušnjami organiziranja mednarodnih dogodkov,
  • s poznavanjem ciljev politik razvojnega sodelovanja RS, akterjev in ciljnih regij,
  • z odličnim znanjem angleškega jezika (razgovor bo vključeval pisni test).


Delo na razpisanem delovnem mestu okvirno obsega naslednje naloge:

  • podpora pri načrtovanju projektov, ki izpolnjujejo potrebe držav v razvoju,
  • logistična in druga pomoč pri pripravi in izvedbi mednarodnih in drugih projektnih aktivnosti,
  • pomoč pri pripravi poročil, analiz, projektne dokumentacije in prispevkov za javnosti,
  • koordinacija in sodelovanje s slovenskimi, mednarodnimi in EU partnerji,
  • podpora vodji sektorja pri načrtovanju in koordinaciji dela,
  • komunikacija s slovenskimi in tujimi udeleženci aktivnosti,
  • ostala dela in naloge po navodilih nadrejenega.


Kandidat mora ob prijavi predložiti:

  • življenjepis in motivacijsko pismo, iz katerih mora biti razvidno, da kandidat izpolnjuje pogoje.


Kandidati naj pošljejo prijavo z ustreznimi dokazili v zaprti ovojnici z oznako »NE ODPIRAJ – Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta Projektni asistent « na naslov:

Ustanova–Center za evropsko prihodnost
Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš

oziroma po elektronski pošti na naslov: [email protected] z jasno oznako – »Prijava na razpis za delovno mesto Projektni asistent.«.

Rok za prijavo je do 27.8.2024.

Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni naslov ali bodo najpozneje na zadnji dan roka za prijavo poslane s priporočeno pošto oziroma po elektronski pošti. V besedilu objave uporabljeni izrazi, napisani v moški slovnični obliki, so uporabljeni kot nevtralni za ženske in moške.

Kandidati bodo o izbiri obveščeni v roku 10 dni po odločitvi o izboru.