28. 6. 2009 | Studia Diplomatica Slovenica
Andrej Rahten
Izidor Cankar – diplomat dveh Jugoslavij (Izidor Cankar – A Diplomat of Two Yugoslavias)
2009 / 420 pages / ISBN 978-961-92173-8-2
Price: € 40
The biography Izidor Cankar – A Diplomat of Two Yugoslavias is an account of the diplomatic career of Izidor Cankar in the first and second Yugoslav states. The book outlines Slovenia’s progress from the end of the 19th century to the late 1950s in broad social terms as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the monarchist and communist Yugoslavias. Special attention is given to the international point of view – debates on the Slovenian issue in correspondence involving Slovenian diplomats serving at Yugoslav missions. The book was published as part of the Personae series of the Studia diplomatica Slovenica collection.
28. 6. 2007 | Studia Diplomatica Slovenica
Franc Rozman
Baron Josef Schwegel – spomini in pisma (Baron Josef Schwegel – Memories and Letters)
2007 / 376 pages / ISBN 978-961-92173-0-6
Price: € 34
The book Baron Josef Schwegel – Memories and Letters contains an autobiography of Baron Josef Schwegel and his notes from the Congress of Berlin. The book sheds light on Schwegel’s work in diplomacy and foreign affairs based on his memoirs and the letters he wrote his wife when he was a member of the Austro-Hungarian delegation at the Congress of Berlin. The book was published as part of the Personae series of the Studia diplomatica Slovenica collection.
28. 6. 2007 | Studia Diplomatica Slovenica
Ernest Petrič (chief editor)
Slovenci v očeh Imperija – Priročniki britanskih diplomatov na Pariški mirovni konferenci leta 1919 (Slovenes in the Eyes of an Empire – Handbooks of the British Diplomats Attending the Paris Peace Conference of 1919)
2007 / 524 pages / ISBN 978-961-92173-1-3
Price: € 35
The book Slovenes in the Eyes of an Empire – Handbooks of the British Diplomats Attending the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 includes a collection of handbooks prepared by the Historical Section at the British Foreign Office for the Versailles peace conference in 1919. Political analyses, texts containing historical and general information (Slovenes, the Yugoslav movement, the Austrian Primorska (Littoral) and Kansan (Carniola) regions, Koroška (Carinthia), Štajerska (Styria)) that were intended to help shape British policy on Central and Southern Europe following World War I. The book was published as part of the Fontes series of the Studia diplomatica Slovenica collection.