The activities of the new EU funded project coordinated by CEP have begun at the beginning of the year. The Secretariat of the project, the European Union’s Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), is located at CEP.

The overall objective of the EUCTI is to improve the EU position as a peace actor.

EUCTI aims to improve the life of people living in the conflict-affected societies by enhancing the quality of training provided to individuals joining the crisis management missions – either civilian crisis management missions or missions consisting of civilian, police and military elements (integrated missions).


CEP has been active in the field of civilian crisis management for a decade. During this time, a large part of the related activities was implemented through an EU funded Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi).

As a part of ENTRi, CEP delivered a variety of training activities including Training of Trainers, Monitoring, Mentoring and Advising, Pre-deployment Training for various missions, Hostile Environment Awareness as well as mission administration and support-training. Moreover, CEP lead and contributed to several working groups developing standards on evaluation, online learning tools and packages of training materials that were made accessible for everyone interested. Furthermore, CEP was active in several other projects related to the civilian crisis management such as Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) and Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (LET4CAP) just to name few. Based on its experience and engagement, CEP was recognized by its international counterparts as capable and suitable for hosting the secretariat with four people for the new multi-annual EUCTI project.

EUCTI consortium consists of eight renowned training institutions with sound knowledge and expertise in designing and delivering civilian crisis management training. Apart from Slovenia, the other consortium members are located in the following EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden.

In practical terms, EUCTI will organize tailor-made training activities for individuals working in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) -and other international missions, support third countries in their endeavours to develop efficient training materials and activities, design new course curriculums based on the needs of the missions, work on standardization of the training activities offered and develop new methodologies that will maximize the outcomes of the learning processes.

Further information about the project can be found here and more will be made available soon on new EUCTI web site – stay tuned!