28. 3. 2024 | Peace and security, POTC, PR
Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje se bo odvilo 29. maja na Gradu Jable
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Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) v sodelovanju z Oddelkom za varnostno načrtovanja v Službi za varnost, nepremičnine in logistiko organizira pilotno Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje. Usposabljanje bo potekalo v sredo, 29. maja 2024 na Gradu Jable.
Varnostno usposabljanje je namenjeno vsem profesionalnim diplomatom, ki jih RS napotuje v države z nizko stopnjo varnostnega tveganja in nimajo predhodnega znanja s področja zagotavljanja osebne varnosti.
Po uspešno zaključeni udeležbi bodo udeleženci sposobni prepoznati različne varnostne grožnje, razumeti osnove varnostnih postopkov in protokolov na DKP, poznati osnove ravnanja v spremenjenih varnostnih razmerah na DKP in na poti, prepoznavati aktivnosti nadzora, uporabljati ukrepe za zmanjšanje varnostnih tveganj ter uporabiti ukrepe in metode za zmanjševanje stresa v visoko stresnih situacijah.
Registracija je obvezna. Registrirate se TUKAJ najkasneje do 19. maja 2024.
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4. 5. 2023 | Bled Strategic Forum, POTC, PR
Last week, from the 24th to the 26 of April, Jable Castle welcomed 33 participants from 25 countries in what was the first training of its kind on the topic of the emerging concept of “climate security”. 20+ participants were previously part of the 12th International Africa Day Conference in a joint venture between the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and POTC/Centre for European Perspective.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
According to the definition of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union »climate security« refers to the potential impacts of climate change on peace and security across the globe, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable populations. It encompasses various risk management strategies such as mitigation, adaptation, resilience building, food and nutrition security, disaster risk reduction, conflict prevention and sustainable development. It also includes the integration of a security perspective within these processes and inclusive participation in order to alleviate the destabilising impacts of climate change on achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).
With this in mind, and the known future impact of climate change on peace operations themselves, POTC set out to develop one of the first trainings of this kind in Europe. This is in order to better prepare decision-makers, experts, and everyone else involved with peace operations for the impending difficulties that peace operations, governments, and international organisations will have to face in the coming decades.
The training was introductory and covered all the basics associated with climate change and peace operations with topics ranging from the 9 Planetary Boundaries, Climate Change, the Environment and Security, the International Legal Framework regarding Climate Change, Water Security as an Integral Part of Climate Security, Climate Mainstreaming in the EU CSDP Context, Energy Security, CC and Human Rights, Climate Justice and Collective vs Individual Action on Climate Change. This was made possible with the help of 9 Slovenian and foreign expert contributors who made sure that the participants received all the relevant knowledge that will help them make the right decisions when it comes to climate security. The training is intended to be developed even further and organised once again in 2024.
The POTC Team would like to thank everyone that attended the training, the expert contributors and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs with special thanks to State Secretary Samuel Žbogar for presenting the participants with Course Certificates.
Below you can view some of the training highlights:
Flickr Album (Photo: Marko Arandjelović)

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