10. 7. 2024 | POTC, PR
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POTC v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve organizira usposabljanje o nevarnostih trgovine z ljudmi pred odhodom na operacije in misije v podporo miru, ki se bo odvilo 10. septembra 2024 na Gradu Jable v Mengšu.
Cilj usposabljanja je seznaniti udeležence z aktualnimi vsebinami s področja boja proti trgovini z ljudmi ter jih ozavestiti o njihovih dolžnostih, ko gre za zaznavo tovrstnih kaznivih dejanj. Poleg tega bo poudarek na zmanjševanju povpraševanja po storitvah in blagu, ki jih običajno izvajajo žrtve trgovine z ljudmi, v kontekstu samih mirovnih operacij.
Enodnevno usposabljanje je namenjeno uslužbencem Ministrstva za obrambo in pripadnikom Slovenske vojske pred njihovim odhodom na mednarodne mirovne operacije in misije.
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3. 4. 2024 | EUCTI, POTC, PR
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), in partnership with the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), is excited to announce an upcoming Cultural Heritage Protection (CHP) Online Workshop, scheduled for April 25 via Zoom. This workshop is specifically designed to meet the needs of members of the EU Mission in Armenia (EUM Armenia) and European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia)—in this regard, it is a unique joint training opportunity for mission members in Armenia and Georgia.
The workshop aims to equip participants with enhanced understanding and capabilities in CHP, particularly focusing on community outreach and interpersonal communication.
This collaborative effort on the Cultural Heritage Protection Workshop reflects a commitment to meeting the evolving needs of mission members and ensuring their effectiveness in safeguarding cultural heritage.
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20. 3. 2024 | EUCTI, POTC, PR
Last week, the Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions training programme, held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from March 11-15, 2024, came to an end. Organised by the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) and supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), the intensive programme aimed to enhance the effectiveness of peace missions with regard to the gender perspective.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
20 participants from Mongolia gained valuable insights into integrating gender perspectives into peacekeeping strategies, preventing conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, and navigating international legal frameworks promoting gender equality.
The training programme concluded with a renewed commitment to building inclusive, effective, and sustainable peace efforts worldwide. Moving forward, continued investment in such initiatives is essential to ensuring that gender considerations remain at the forefront of peace operations, fostering a future of inclusive peace and security for all.
POTC would like to thank all involved: the Mongolian State personnel, EUCTI, and the trainers who helped make this training activity on the other side of the world a success.
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2. 2. 2024 | Peace and security, POTC, PR
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is set to conduct the second edition of the specialised training programme on the topic of climate security from May 20th to May 22nd, 2024, at Jable Castle in Slovenia. This climate security comprehensive course aims to address the critical intersections between climate change, security, and global peace efforts.
Recognising climate change as a security issue and a significant global threat multiplier, POTC developed an extensive training program in 2023, covering the various impacts of climate change on peace and security worldwide. The 2024 edition will build upon the pilot delivery, incorporating subject matter changes to provide an updated and enhanced learning experience. The training is specifically tailored to meet the needs of allied and partner countries deploying personnel to peacekeeping missions and operations.
Learning objectives for participants include gaining an understanding of the main environmental and climate issues related to global security, recognising climate and environmental elements in conflict and post-conflict situations, exploring the international legal framework regarding climate change, and understanding the role of water infrastructure as a global security issue. The program will also delve into environmental issues affecting host countries of missions, adaptation and mitigation strategies in field missions, and the gender dimensions in climate-related conflicts.
The target audience for this climate security training is comprised of civilian experts, police, and military personnel actively involved or planning to participate in international missions or operations. Country prioritisation will guide the selection process, with priority given to citizens of the largest Troop/Police Contributing Countries (T/PCC) to UN missions and operations from Africa.
Interested individuals can apply for participation until March 24th, 2024, through an online form. POTC will conduct a selection process, and participants will be notified of their selection by April 1st, 2024. The working language of the training is English, therefore fluency in English is required.
Attendance throughout the entire three-day program is mandatory to receive a Certificate of Participation. Participants are expected to arrive no later than Sunday, May 19th, and are encouraged to extend their stay for the Africa Day Conference on May 22nd-23rd.
POTC will help with entry into Slovenia for EU citizens and those with bilateral agreements, while non-EU citizens are responsible for processing their visa requests. Accommodation will be provided free of charge, with local transport, meals, and other refreshments covered by POTC. Financial support also includes reimbursement of travel expenses up to a certain amount.
Registration of Interest Form: JotForm LINK
Information Pack: PDF LINK
For additional information, interested individuals can reach out to: [email protected]
POTC’s commitment to addressing climate-related security risks underscores its dedication to preparing peace operations personnel for the evolving challenges in international peace and security.
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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Cover photo: United Nations by Harandane Dicko