19. 9. 2024 | POTC, PR
2. decembra 2024 bo na Gradu Jable v Mengšu potekal seminar namenjen predstavnikom Slovenske vojske, Policije in nevladnih organizacij.
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Osrednja tema seminarja je sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupnostmi, kar je ključnega pomena za uspešno izvajanje mirovnih operacij in misij. Na seminarju bo 6 strokovnjakov seznanilo udeležence z najboljšimi praksami, metodami in mehanizmi vključevanja lokalnih deležnikov ter poudarilo pomen vključevanja skupnosti v procese ohranjanja miru.
Cilji seminarja so podpiranje odpornosti in odgovornosti skupnosti ter razvoj spretnosti za učinkovito sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupinami. Udeleženci bodo pridobili dragocena znanja, ki bodo prispevala k njihovi večji uspešnosti na terenu.
Ne zamudite priložnosti za poglobitev vaših veščin in sodelovanje z izkušenimi strokovnjaki.
Registracija je obvezna, zadnji rok je 27. oktober 2024. Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, udeležba pa vam bo omogočila pridobitev certifikata.
Prijave potekajo prek povezave ali preko e-pošte na [email protected].
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8. 3. 2023 | POTC, PR
Kliknite tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.
In April, Peace Operations and Training Centre (POTC) will organise a training titled “Acquaintance with the Sahel Region – the Peace and Security Perspective” that will run from 19–20 April at Jable Castle, Slovenia.
The countries of the Sahel are experiencing several crises simultaneously, including a security crisis with regular attacks on civilians and security forces by armed terrorist groups. Relations between European countries, the EU and the countries of the Sahel, in particular the G5 Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger), are of strategic importance for European countries, especially those bordering the Mediterranean, including Slovenia, in terms of security and stability, international commitments on climate and sustainable development, and migration routes to Europe.
The training will bring together national and French experts to present the current security situation in the Sahel and the outlook for the near future.
Participants will learn about:
- Historical, geographical, (geo)political and economic aspects of the region.
- Security challenges between the Sahel and Europe.
- The security situation in selected countries of the region.
Some more general information about the training:
- English will be the working language.
- 25 places are available for participants.
- Coffee/tea and lunch will be provided during the training.
- Registration is open until the 11th of April 2023.
For more information about the training, please contact: [email protected]
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