The Personal Security Training for Diplomatic Staff will take place at Jable Castle on May 29th

The Personal Security Training for Diplomatic Staff will take place at Jable Castle on May 29th

Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje se bo odvilo 29. maja na Gradu Jable

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Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) v sodelovanju z Oddelkom za varnostno načrtovanja v Službi za varnost, nepremičnine in logistiko organizira pilotno Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje. Usposabljanje bo potekalo v sredo, 29. maja 2024 na Gradu Jable.

Varnostno usposabljanje je namenjeno vsem profesionalnim diplomatom, ki jih RS napotuje v države z nizko stopnjo varnostnega tveganja in nimajo predhodnega znanja s področja zagotavljanja osebne varnosti.

Po uspešno zaključeni udeležbi bodo udeleženci sposobni prepoznati različne varnostne grožnje, razumeti osnove varnostnih postopkov in protokolov na DKP, poznati osnove ravnanja v spremenjenih varnostnih razmerah na DKP in na poti, prepoznavati aktivnosti nadzora, uporabljati ukrepe za zmanjšanje varnostnih tveganj ter uporabiti ukrepe in metode za zmanjševanje stresa v visoko stresnih situacijah.

Registracija je obvezna. Registrirate se TUKAJ najkasneje do 19. maja 2024.

Vse dodatne informacije o usposabljanju lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Če imate dodatna vprašanja, nas kontaktirajte preko [email protected].

Za več informacij o usposabljanju in še več nas lahko spremljate na družbenih omrežjih:

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On SI-UA development cooperation at the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum

On SI-UA development cooperation at the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum

At the 12th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region held under the Slovenian Presidency, CEP’s Executive Director, Ms Nina Čepon, contributed to the panel discussion titled ”Bottom-up recovery and transformation of Ukraine–Supporting Ukraine and Moldova on their way to the EU” on the 24th of October.

She shed light on CEP’s impactful collaboration with Ukrainian municipalities, a process initiated back in 2018 under the scope of the Programme ‘U-LEAD with Europe’ implemented by the German organization GIZ in Ukraine. The dedication to enhancing Ukrainian municipalities continues through our ongoing development project titled ‘Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Ukraine’ funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’.

This project remains committed to transferring knowledge tailored to specific needs and providing sustainable assistance to Ukrainian municipalities as they advance in their development, modernization and contribute to the Ukrainian path toward EU membership while dealing with the everyday challenges of wartime. Activities are focusing on topics such as green transition, civil protection and resilience, economic development, anti-corruption and transparency in local governance, and deliver an important skillset to raise their absorption capacities in terms of donor engagement, namely those of efficient planning, project appraisal and obtainment of external funding.

Čepon emphasised that Ukrainian municipalities are set to play a pivotal role in post-conflict reconstruction and development in Ukraine as they are forward-looking, and they strive toward economic development and other objectives despite being faced with their complex everyday circumstances at this time. Slovenia’s wealth of experience in modernization and the EU accession process promises to bring significant, concrete value.

Upcoming Training: International Humanitarian Law, 2nd Edition

Upcoming Training: International Humanitarian Law, 2nd Edition

From 6 to 7 November, the 2nd module of the training on International Humanitarian Law will take place at the Joint Training Centre in Postojna. The organisation of the training is shared between the Slovenian Armed Forces and POTC.

Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.

After last year’s first training module on International Humanitarian Law, this year’s module will focus on specific topical areas of this overarching theme. The aim of the second module is to cover the topics that have been identified as the most legally pressing for personnel of peace operations in the field.

The trainees of the International Humanitarian Law training will learn about:

  • the status of persons in armed conflict;

  • direct participation in hostilities;

  • the treatment of the dead;

  • the status of prisoners of war – POWs;

  • protection of cultural heritage;

  • obligations of the defender;

  • perfidy;

  • and much more.

The International Humanitarian Law training will also make use of new teaching methods and an updated interactive approach to learning, with the aim of providing mission members with a holistic understanding of real day-to-day legal issues from the perspective of international humanitarian law in the event of escalations in the field. The learning outcomes will directly impact the capabilities of military personnel who are soon to be deployed in Slovenian peace and security structures.

For more information about the training you can follow us on social media:



Invitation – Conference “Towards Knowledge-driven Society and Professions of the Future”

Invitation – Conference “Towards Knowledge-driven Society and Professions of the Future”

The green and digital transition has profoundly affected societies worldwide, moving them towards an ever-changing environment. The digital revolution and the move towards green transition have opened up new opportunities for individuals, organisations and countries, heavily impacting the labour market and transforming societies in the Danube region and broader.

But just what will be the role of knowledge in these societies of the future, how will the changes affect the cooperation in the Danube region, and how can our societies adapt?

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia is organising a two-day hybrid international conference titled “Towards Knowledge-driven Society and Professions of the Future”, which will take place at the Congress Centre Brdo at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, on 17 and 18 May 2023.

This event, held within the scope of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR) and organised with the support of the Priority Area 7 of the EUSDR, will bring together experts, educational institutions, youth and policymakers from across Europe to explore the role of knowledge in society in our rapidly changing world.

The conference will focus on the expected transformation of the knowledge-driven society, the implications for the current and future needs of the labour market, and the effect of digital transformation. It will provide a platform for sharing ideas and experiences and identifying emerging trends while engaging strategic foresight perspectives. The event will also aim to foster international collaboration and policy synergies and significantly contribute to the 2023 Slovenian Presidency of the EUSDR.

The event is planned in a hybrid format, with some 100 participants attending in person and a broad audience of registered online participants.

You can register here until 12 May.


More information about the event can be found on the EUSDR website:
















Insight on military practice developments and international humanitarian law successfully presented at POTC training

Insight on military practice developments and international humanitarian law successfully presented at POTC training

Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.

The past week, 21 participants attended the International Humanitarian Law & Military Practice Developments Training for Military Personnel where we delved into what is currently going in the international arena, the defence challenges ahead and took a look at Slovenia’s space outlook.

The training also took us to the Noordung Center in Vitanje where we discovered Slovenia’s defence capabilities connected to space. The training also included topics such as targetting according to international law, disruptive military technologies, and neurocognitive science in military and intelligence operations. No stone was left unturned and the participants received an extensive overview of current practices and future challenges.

This training would not have been possible without the cooperation of the Ministry of Defence.