Successful Conclusion of the Mentorship Visit of Novovolynsk to the City of Kranj

Successful Conclusion of the Mentorship Visit of Novovolynsk to the City of Kranj

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Kranj, 24 July 2024 — The three-week mentorship visit of the Ukrainian municipality of Novovolynsk concluded today in the City of Kranj. The event marked the culmination of three weeks of collaboration and experience exchange between the two municipalities.

City of Kranj Mayor Matjaž Rakovec emphasized in his opening speech that the first cooperation between Kranj and Ukraine dates back to 2021, stating: »City of Kranj had its first cooperation with Ukraine in 2021, together with the [now] ex-ambassador we set a statue of Taras Shevchenko, a Ukrainian poet, in the Avenue of Prešeren’s Contemporaries. Last year, together with the Ukrainian Embassy, Kranj hosted a Ukrainian cultural event for the Independence Day of Ukraine. The mentorship program with Novovolynsk is another example of good cooperation – an aim to progress and develop. This programme was an opportunity to gain new perspectives and skills. Dear mentees, Inna and Anatolii, I hope the new knowledge will help you achieve your goals. Thank you for your dedicated work and good cooperation. Let the future be bright.«

The municipality of Novovolynsk participated in the event online. The Mayor of Novovolynsk, Borys Karpus, visited Kranj on July 10 and signed a mentorship cooperation protocol with Mayor Rakovec. He thanked the City of Kranj and everyone involved in organizing the visit for their hospitality and for providing opportunities for cooperation and development.

On behalf of the visit organizer, the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), Nina Čepon, CEP Executive Director, addressed the gathering, highlighting that local communities in Ukraine are key players in recovery and reconstruction. She also emphasized Slovenia’s thematic advantage from our experience in post-war recovery, local development, and the EU accession process, as well as the extensive food practice of the City of Kranj.

Ukrainian mentees then presented their three-week visit and the project plans prepared during the visit. Inna Vykhor, a deputy of the Novovolynsk City Council and chair of the permanent committee on education, science, culture, youth, sports, and information policy, presented the NovoHUB project concept. This project focuses on vocational, business, and educational training, reflecting a shift in their project focus after visiting Kovačnica, BSC Kranj, and the School Centre Kranj. The main objective of the project is to ensure a qualified and sufficient labour force, securing jobs for citizens and long-term economic growth of Novovolynsk. The purpose is to renovate vacant buildings to introduce new vocational, business, and educational programs. The target group includes residents, internally displaced persons, redundant coal mine workers, and people from Donetsk. The project aims to address the challenges of a lack of skilled labour force for local enterprises, access to quality and safe education for internally displaced persons, and the lack of a business support ecosystem. Anatolii Dudik, Chief Specialist of the Department for Organizing the Provision of Administrative Services at the Center for Administrative Services of the Executive Committee of the Novovolynsk City Council, presented the Novo Open app. This app focuses on the digitalization of city information, increasing digital citizen participation in local development, and presenting Novovolynsk to tourists. The project aims to provide free, open, and participative access to information and services in Novovolynsk. Mentors from the City of Kranj, Maja Šavs and Mojca Finc, presented the mentorship aspect and provided more information about the work of City of Kranj and Kranj’s institutions involved in the mentorship.

In the concluding part, Ambassador Tomaž Mencin, National Coordinator for the reconstruction of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, greeted the gathering. He emphasized that the decentralization reform in Ukraine is crucial and progressing well, focusing on empowering local municipalities, and stated that Slovenia agrees with the European Union’s request for financial instruments to support decentralized governance in Ukraine. Natalia Markevych Pritsa, Deputy Head of Mission at the Ukrainian Embassy in Slovenia, expressed gratitude to Slovenia for its role in the reconstruction process and hope for the project’s success. Mag Blaž Masle, Acting Chargé d’Affaires of the Slovenian Embassy in Kyiv, praised the good cooperation between Slovenia and Ukraine and confirmed the embassy’s readiness to assist further.

Following the visit, CEP activities will focus on areas identified as needing additional attention. Webinars will involve more Novovolynsk municipality employees. In the next steps, CEP will provide concrete support in implementing the local reconstruction and development plan of Novovolynsk.

A heartfelt thank you for enriching the mentorship programme goes to the City of Kranj, Kovačnica Coworking, BSC Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska Biotehniški center Naklo, Iskraemeco, Vincenc Draksler Foundation, School Centre Kranj, Centre of Sustainable Mobility Kranj, TIC Kranj, and more.

The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.


Mentorship visit begins in Kranj

Mentorship visit begins in Kranj

10 July 2024, Kranj – Today, we began the fifth three-week mentorship of 2024 in the City of Kranj under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’.

The event was opened by the Mayor of City of Kranj, Mr Matjaž Rakovec, who welcomed Mr Borys Karpus, Mayor of Novovolynsk urban hromada and Ms Inna Vykhor, Deputy of the Novovolynsk City Council, Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Youth, Sports and Information Policy. Joining the mentorship online is Mr Anatolii Dudik, Chief Specialist of the Department of Organization of Administrative Services Provision of the Executive Committee of Novovolynsk City Council. Mayor of Novovolynsk, Mr Karpus expressed his hope for a successful mentorship and noted that Kranj and Novovolynsk are connected through many interests, not only through the Ukraine Festival held last year. Following was a presentation by Ms Jelka Klemenc, CEP’s project lead, who presented the project and its objectives.

We were also happy to witness Mayor Rakovec and Mayor Karpus who signed the protocol of mentorship between Kranj and Novovolynsk, which will cover topics such as project development & fund absorption, education and strengthening of vocational education, city digitalization, business development, and topics related to the EU enlargement process on the local level.

The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

Kranj-Novovolynsk mentorship visit 2024

Slovenia’s Support to Ukrainian Recovery

Slovenia’s Support to Ukrainian Recovery


“When we talk about Ukraine’s recoverywe talk about the recovery of the future new EU member state” (Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, in his opening address at the URC 2024 in Berlin). 

Ukrainian local communities represent a key driving force for Ukraine’s successful recovery and sustainable development. The Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin highlighted the role of these municipalities.

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression, Slovenia has been offering assistance and support to Ukraine. The support has resulted in long-term sustainable partnerships based on solidarity and friendship, with Slovenia offering its valuable experience as Ukraine continues its path towards the EU, with the Slovenian government announcing the allocation of an additional 5 million € to Ukrainian recovery.   

We are proud to announce the release of our publication, “Slovenia Supporting Ukrainian Communities: Integrating Reconstruction with Local Development”, highlighting the Slovenian contribution and opportunities for future cooperation in the recovery, reconstruction and EU integration of Ukraine. 

Authors: Dr Janez Šušteršič, Ms Jelka Klemenc and Mr Jurij Kobal.

You can find the publication here.

Mentorship visit to Idrija ends with a presentation of ambitious project plans

Mentorship visit to Idrija ends with a presentation of ambitious project plans

Več o aktivnostih v slovenskem jeziku najdete tukaj.

This sunny Thursday, the municipality of Idrija hosted the final event of the mentorship visit under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’. 

The mentorship visit between Idrija and Pereschepinska focused on strengthening the heritage protection capacities of Pereschepinska hromada and the establishment of a waste management system in Pereschepinska and the sub-region. It took place from 20 March to 4 April 2024 and signals the end of the fourth mentorship visit between Slovenian and Ukrainian municipalities. Joining the mentorship in Idrija were Mr Iaroslav Tsvirkun, Mayor of Pereschepinska hromada and Ms Svitlana Bulava, Head of the Sector for Investments at Pereschepinska hromada. They were mentored by the municipality of Idrija mentor, Ms Lenka Grošelj and Mr Matevž Straus, Director of ID20 Institute.

Opening the Thursday final event at the castle Gewerkenegg in Idrija was Ms Jelka Klemenc, CEP Senior Advisor, who introduced the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships project and thanked both municipalities for the excellent work over the three weeks. Continuing was the Mayor of Idrija, Mr Tomaž Vencelj, who expressed strong support for the project and thanked the involved partners and experts, who aided the successful conclusion of the project. Mayor Vencelj also expressed the willingness for further cooperation between Idrija and Pereschepinska, signalling the openness for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Idrija and Pereschepinska, where additional possible fields of cooperation could be expressed. 

Speaking on behalf of the Pereschepinska mentees was the Mayor, Mr Iaroslav Tsvirkun, who thanked the municipality of Idrija and its mentors for excellent support and warm welcome, adding that their shared knowledge and willingness to help was crucial for the preparation of the project drafts. He also thanked all involved organisations, the organising team at CEP and the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs for their support. Continuing on, he presented the three weeks of mentorship and the two project drafts that were prepared during the mentorship visit. The drafts presented are a strong basis for the future cooperation between Idrija and Pereschepinska, especially in terms of natural and cultural heritage protection.

In the first week, mentees from Pereschepinska focused on building upon their knowledge of project management, project writing, and project funding with the help of CEP expert, Mr Klemen Srna.

The second week focused on heritage protection and waste management. Idrija, known for its excellent heritage protection and preservation projects, prepared a rich programme for mentees. It included site visits and presentations from Idrija ID20 Institute, Institute Dobra pot, Idrija Youth Centre, Šturmajce farm, Idrija Geopark, and Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre. Here, mentees learned more about heritage protection projects, UNESCO, funding possibilities, cooperation between the municipality and NGOs in the region, and more. Discussions with the municipality and Idrijsko-Cerkljanska Regional Development Agency highlighted possible energy efficiency projects connected to waste management and heritage protection. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the conversations and site visits turned to waste management and environment protection, with presentations on the Slovenian waste management system by CEP. Following was an important site visit to the Utility Company Idrija, where Idrija’s waste management system was presented in practice. On Wednesday, mentors and mentees visited RCERO Waste Management Centre Ljubljana, the biggest environmental project in Slovenia supported by the Cohesion Fund. It is the most modern facility for waste treatment in Europe and processes waste from more than a third of Slovenia.

The third week focused on the preparation of a project concept for the development of a heritage protection projects and waste management system in Pereschepinska municipality. Mentees were aided by CEP expert, Ms Slavka Zupan and Mr Matevž Straus and prepared a well-elaborated concept.

The mentorship concluded today with an internal debrief between CEP, mentors, and mentees, followed by a the closing event and the presentation of the mentorship results and projects drafts prepared during the mentorship visit. The plans will be elaborated and finalized during the project until its end in 2024, while initial activities have already begun during the mentorship visit in Idrija.

The Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs representative, Ms Mateja Urbanija, Ms Natalia Markevych Pritsa from the Embassy of Ukraine to Slovenia, Mr Lovro Klinar from the European Commission Representation in Slovenia. Media representatives, and representatives of organisations in Idrija involved in the activities joined the closing event.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia, to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.


Mentorship visit to Idrija begins

Mentorship visit to Idrija begins

20 March 2024, Idrija – Today, we began the second three-week mentorship of 2024 in the municipality of Idrija under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’.

The event was opened by the Mayor of the Municipality of Idrija, Mr Tomaž Vencelj. He greeted the participants and expressed Idrija’s openness to cooperating with Pereschepinska municipality. He then presented Idrija through the video of the Idrija geopark and spoke of the possibilities for cooperation between the municipalities.

The following was the project presentation by Ms Jelka Klemenc, CEP’s project lead, who presented the project and its objectives.

On behalf of mentees from Pereschepinska, Mayor Tsvirkun presented the municipality, its challenges, possibilities, and expected outcomes of the mentorship visit.

The mentorship builds upon the needs expressed by Pereschepyne municipality, mainly the preservation of cultural heritage, waste management, and energy efficiency of public buildings, and will address topics crucial for the municipality’s further development, such as project management, project writing, and topics related to the EU enlargement process on the local level.

The Idrija municipality, with its rich heritage in cultural preservation, activities in the area of waste management, sustainability and zero waste, and the successful establishment of the Ljubevč waste collection centre, brings valuable experience that can be a boon to partners from Pereschepyne. Through presentations and site visits, mentees from Ukraine will gain insights into these practices and projects and explore project planning, preparation and management, and EU project funding.




The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

Announcing the second UA-SI mentorship visit of 2024 in Idrija

Announcing the second UA-SI mentorship visit of 2024 in Idrija

On 20 March, we will begin the second three-week mentorship of 2024 in the municipality of Idrija under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’.

The fourth mentorship visit of the project will focus on developing collaboration between Pereschepyne and Idrija and enhancing knowledge and cooperation across multiple topics.

The mentorship builds upon the needs expressed by Pereschepyne municipality, mainly the preservation of cultural heritage, waste management, and energy efficiency of public buildings, and will address topics crucial for the municipality’s further development, such as project management, project writing, and topics related to the EU enlargement process on the local level.

The Idrija municipality, with its rich heritage in cultural preservation, activities in the area of waste management, sustainability and zero waste, and the successful establishment of the Ljubevč waste collection centre, brings valuable experience that can be a boon to partners from Pereschepyne. Through presentations and site visits, mentees from Ukraine will gain insights into these practices and projects and explore project planning, preparation and management, and EU project funding.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.