Transformative Power of Digital – May 6, 2021

Transformative Power of Digital – May 6, 2021

Centre for European Perspective and the Kosciuszko Institute invite you to a webinar titled: 

Transformative Power of Digital 

 Thursday, May 6th, 11.00 (CET) 


Register here 


On this occasion, we are also launching a report entitled: Transformative Power of Digital: Central and Eastern Europe’s leap towards greater prosperityinnovation and resilience. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our economies, workplaces and daily habits, accentuated global rivalries and brought with it an increased sense of vulnerability. But as every crisis, it also ushered in unique opportunities by greatly accelerating digital adoption. The CEE – region of crucial geopolitical importance for the EU and its transatlantic allies – has an opportunity to make a true leap in digital development through digital transformation.    

  • How will digitalization contribute to the resilience of the region?  
  • How would closer cooperation of the region impact the EU discussions on strategic autonomy?  
  • What role does the Transatlantic partnership play in enhancing regional cooperation?  


Joining us to discuss these questions are: 

·      Opening address by Izabela Albrycht, Chair of the Kosciuszko Institute 

·        Peter Geršak, State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia 

·        Marek Zagórski, State Secretary, Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland 

·        Ambassador Tadeusz Chomicki, Ambassador for Cyber & Tech Affairs, Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland [TBC] 

·        Ambassador Nele Leosk, Ambassador-at-Large for Digital Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia 


Moderated by Katja Geršak, Executive Director, Centre for European Perspective (CEP) 


To learn more about the event and the joint report, follow Centre for European Perspective on Facebook and Twitter, you are also invited to follow the Kosciuszko Institute on Facebook and Twitter.

Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia successfully concluded

Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia successfully concluded

Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) organized a Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia from 20 – 23 April 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the training was delivered in a virtual form.

Pre-deployment trainings aim to increase the functioning ability of the mission staff by equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to become operational and capable to adapt to the new working environment. This pre-deployment training was designed specifically for civilians that are about to be deployed either to the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM) or the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM).

The training provided an overview of the local environment and historical context of both countries, thoroughly presented both missions, prepared the trainees for an interview, explained the basics of orientation, and equipped the participants with gender lenses together with skills for successful trainers, mentoring, monitoring and advising. Many thanks to all the trainers.

Although virtual trainings bring different challenges we are certain that our participants will be prepared to embark on assigned responsibilities with confidence and adapt to complex mission life. All the best of luck to all of them!

Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia

Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia is under way

Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia is under way

Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organizing a Pre-deployment Training for Civilian Personnel Joining the EUAM Ukraine and EUMM Georgia. The training will, due to COVID-19 restrictions, take place virtually from 20 – 23 April 2021.

The pre-deployment training course is one of the primary tools used to generate competent, institutionally knowledgeable, and ethically aware civilian personnel capable of serving in dangerous and complex environments. This training will be mission-specific, focusing on the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM) and the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM), designed for police and civilians that will be potentially deployed to one of the above-mentioned missions. The training is intended to provide a shared understanding of the environment and both missions, including cross-cutting themes and priorities such as gender mainstreaming and the development of basic skills, such as map reading, monitoring – mentoring – advising and skills of a good trainer.

After successfully completing the training, the new civilian staff members will be prepared to undertake assigned responsibilities with confidence and adapt to complex mission life.

Coming soon! Transformative Power of Digital

Coming soon! Transformative Power of Digital

Coming soon!


Transformative Power of Digital: Central and Eastern Europe’s leap towards greater prosperity, innovation and resilience  – a new joint report by the Centre for European Perspective – CEP and the Kosciuszko Institute!

The release of the report will be followed by a webinar discussion around cooperation on digital transformation in CEE and the report’s main points.


Join us on May 6!



To learn more about the event and joint report, follow Centre for European Perspective on Facebook and Twitter, you are also invited to follow the Kosciuszko Institute on Facebook and Twitter.

First online closed-door session for BiH governmental officials held on April 14

First online closed-door session for BiH governmental officials held on April 14

First online closed-door session for BiH governmental officials ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans’ held on April 14

On April 14, CEP has organised the first workshop designed for governmental officials coming from BiH aimed at supporting the governments of WB6 in building their national system of countering foreign perpetrated disinformation.

The training was opened by CEP Project Manager, Ana Ješe Perković and CEP Executive Director Katja Geršak who presented the aim of the project and the workshop. The training activities of the first day continued with two expert presentations. Mr Roman Osadchuk, an expert from the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab gave the participants an overview of what is disinformation, how to counter it and what are the most useful online tools we can use to deal with disinformation. The second expert, Mr Darko Brkan from a Bosnian fact-checking NGO Zašto ne presented the current disinformation trends in the Western Balkans. The first day concluded with a discussion about the main problems regarding foreign perpetrated disinformation in BiH and what should be done to tackle it.

The second part of the two-day workshop will be held in May.

More about the project activities here.

The series of workshops is a part of the project supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme.