Seventh mentorship visit in Slovenj Gradec begins

Seventh mentorship visit in Slovenj Gradec begins

13 November 2024, Slovenj Gradec – Today, we kicked off the seventh three-week mentorship of 2024 between the City Municipality Slovenj Gradec and Municipality Ladyzhyn under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’.

The event was opened with a welcome speech and presentation of City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec by Mr Tilen Kligler, Mayor of Slovenj Gradec, who welcomed mentees Mr Maksym Chekryhin, Deputy Mayor of Ladyzhyn and Ms Olena Fadiievska, the Head of the Municipal Institution “Local Economic Development Agency of Ladyzhyn”. Mayor Klugler welcomed the mentees with an optimistic outlook, expressing his hope for a successful mentorship and possible future cooperation. Following was a presentation by Ms Ana Novak, CEP Project Manager, who presented the project and its objectives and Ms Nuša Blatnik, CEP Project Assistant, who presented the logistical aspects of the mentorship. Mentees from Ladyzhyn presented the municipality, the current reconstruction process and their 

The three-week mentorship in Slovenj Gradec will cover project development and fund absorption, business development, the EU enlargement process on the local level, and alternative energy sources.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. The U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Slovenia, to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the Ukrainian population.

Ukrajina – obnova in oživitev poslovanja, 27. november 2024

Ukrajina – obnova in oživitev poslovanja, 27. november 2024

V sodelovanju z Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije organiziramo prvi forum na temo oživitve gospodarstva in po konfliktne obnove v Ukrajini. Osvetlili bomo proces lokalne obnove v Ukrajini, ki že poteka, tudi s pomočjo slovenskih razvojnih sredstev in akterjev v sodelovanju z občinami in drugimi institucijami.

Foruma in poslovnega dogodka z B2G se bodo udeležili predstavniki (župani) ukrajinskih občin, poslovnih združenj in ministrstev, ki bodo postregli z informacijami o potrebah in načrtovanih projektih lokalnega razvoja v sklopu tematskih fokusov:

– upravljanje z odpadki,

– krožno gospodarstvo,

– gradnje prihodnosti,

– energetika.


Slovenska podjetja in institucije bodo predstavili izkušnje delovanja v Ukrajini, informacije o poslovnem okolju in orodjih na področju krepitve angažmaja slovenskega zasebnega sektorja.


Vabimo vas da se dogodka udeležite in v neposrednem stiku s predstavniki lokalne uprave Ukrajine preverite možnosti in priložnosti za vključitev v pripravo in izvedbo storitev in projektov za obnovo in poslovno oživitev Ukrajine.

*dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, prevajanje ni zagotovljeno


15:30 – 16:00


preddverje dvorane A, 1. nadstropje

16:00 – 16:10

Dvorana A

 Uvod, pozdrav

Marjana Majerič, izvršna direktorica za strateški razvoj in internacionalizacijo, GZS (TBC)

– predstavnik Ministrstva za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport Republike Slovenije

16:10 – 16:30

Dvorana A

 Lokalni in regionalni razvoj v Ukrajini – ozadje

Natalia Markevych, namestnica vodje misije, Veleposlaništvo Ukrajine v Sloveniji

Edvin Skrt, generalni direktor, Direktorat za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje, MZEZ

– predstavnik Ministrstva za skupnosti, ozemlja in razvoj infrastrukture Ukrajine (Ministrstvo za obnovo)

16:30 – 16:50

Dvorana A

 Obnova v Ukrajini in mednarodni zasebni sektor

– predstavnik Ministrstva za gospodarstvo Ukrajine

– predstavnik ukrajinskih poslovnih združenj

Dejan Prešiček, direktor CMSR

16:50 – 16:55  Razporeditev po dvoranah
16:55 – 17:45 dvorane A, B, C

 Primeri in študije primerov:

(vzporedne seje)

16:55 – 17:45

Dvorana A

 1. Upravljanje z odpadki in krožno gospodarstvo:

Nina Meglič, Gospodarska zbornica Štajerske, koordinatorka Strateškega razvojno-inovacijskega partnerstva (SRIP) “Krožno gospodarstvo”

– PRIMER (župan ukrajinske občine): investicijski projekt na področju ravnanja z odpadki, načrtovan/potekajoč v občini […]

– PRIMER: Anteja ECG d.o.o.

– Q & A

16:55 – 17:45

Dvorana B

 2. Gradnja prihodnosti:

Sabina Jordan, dr., ZAG, direktorica Strateškega razvojno-inovacijskega partnerstva (SRIP) “PSiDL – Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo”

– PRIMER (župan ukrajinske občine): investicijski projekt na področju trajnostne gradnje, načrtovan/potekajoč v občini […]

– PRIMER: Riko hiše d.o.o.

– Q & A

16:55 – 17:45

Dvorana C

 3. Energija:

Janez Kopač, dr., vodja strokovne ekipe CEP, nekdanji direktor Energetske skupnosti

župan ukrajinske občine: potrebe v občini/regiji

RIKO d.o.o.

Perutnina Ptuj (MHP Group)

Operato (ELES skupina)

– Q & A

17:45 – 18:20

Dvorani B in C

 »Business-to-Government« srečanja (B2G)

Prisotni gostje iz Ukrajine:

– župani in drugi ključni predstavniki ukrajinskih občin

– ukrajinska poslovna združenja

– Ministrstvo za obnovo Ukrajine

– Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo Ukrajine

18:20 –

Dvorana A

 Zaključki in naslednji koraki:

 Sklepi in predlogi za nadaljnje korake pri krepitvi gospodarskega sodelovanja in oblikovanje skupnih pobud za prihodnja prizadevanja

Janez Šušteršič, dr. (vodja strokovne ekipe CEP)

Dodatne informacije: Več o ozadju dogodka lahko preberete v priloženem dokumentu TUKAJ.

PrijaveKotizacije ni, preko elektronskega obrazca oddajte prijavo čim prej, najkasneje pa 25.11.

Odjave: Morebitne odjave sporočite pisno do 26.11. do 9. ure na enega spodnjih e-naslovov. Za neudeležbo brez pravočasne odjave zaračunamo režijske stroške v višini 50,00 eur (brez DDV).

Kontakti: Matej Rogelj, GZS, T: 01/58 98 159, [email protected]

Jelka Klemenc, CEP, T: 040 654 033, [email protected]

Seventh UA-SI mentorship in Slovenj Gradec

Seventh UA-SI mentorship in Slovenj Gradec

13-27 November 2024, Slovenj Gradec – We are finalising the activities to kick off the seventh three-week mentorship under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’, which will take place in the municipality Slovenj Gradec. Joining the mentorship are representatives from Ladyzhyn (Ukraine). Mentors from Slovenj Gradec will share their experience and good practice on project preparation, business cooperation and energy efficiency. The visit will conclude on the 27 November 2024 at Jable castle.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

Seventh UA-SI mentorship in Slovenj Gradec

Sixth UA-SI mentorship with Slovenian municipality Postojna

2-25 October 2024, online – We are finalising the activities to kick off the sixth three-week mentorship under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’, which will take place online. Joining the mentors from Postojna are representatives of Pechenizka hromada’s department of economic development. Mentors from Postojna will share their experience and good practice on project preparation, rural tourism development and vocational and adult education.

The visit is one of a kind as it will take place entirely online due to the closeness of the Pechenizka hromada (Kharkiv oblast) to the front line and will conclude with a closing event on 26 October.

The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

Successful Conclusion of the Mentorship Visit of Novovolynsk to the City of Kranj

Successful Conclusion of the Mentorship Visit of Novovolynsk to the City of Kranj

Članek v slovenskem jeziku najdete tu.

Kranj, 24 July 2024 — The three-week mentorship visit of the Ukrainian municipality of Novovolynsk concluded today in the City of Kranj. The event marked the culmination of three weeks of collaboration and experience exchange between the two municipalities.

City of Kranj Mayor Matjaž Rakovec emphasized in his opening speech that the first cooperation between Kranj and Ukraine dates back to 2021, stating: »City of Kranj had its first cooperation with Ukraine in 2021, together with the [now] ex-ambassador we set a statue of Taras Shevchenko, a Ukrainian poet, in the Avenue of Prešeren’s Contemporaries. Last year, together with the Ukrainian Embassy, Kranj hosted a Ukrainian cultural event for the Independence Day of Ukraine. The mentorship program with Novovolynsk is another example of good cooperation – an aim to progress and develop. This programme was an opportunity to gain new perspectives and skills. Dear mentees, Inna and Anatolii, I hope the new knowledge will help you achieve your goals. Thank you for your dedicated work and good cooperation. Let the future be bright.«

The municipality of Novovolynsk participated in the event online. The Mayor of Novovolynsk, Borys Karpus, visited Kranj on July 10 and signed a mentorship cooperation protocol with Mayor Rakovec. He thanked the City of Kranj and everyone involved in organizing the visit for their hospitality and for providing opportunities for cooperation and development.

On behalf of the visit organizer, the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), Nina Čepon, CEP Executive Director, addressed the gathering, highlighting that local communities in Ukraine are key players in recovery and reconstruction. She also emphasized Slovenia’s thematic advantage from our experience in post-war recovery, local development, and the EU accession process, as well as the extensive food practice of the City of Kranj.

Ukrainian mentees then presented their three-week visit and the project plans prepared during the visit. Inna Vykhor, a deputy of the Novovolynsk City Council and chair of the permanent committee on education, science, culture, youth, sports, and information policy, presented the NovoHUB project concept. This project focuses on vocational, business, and educational training, reflecting a shift in their project focus after visiting Kovačnica, BSC Kranj, and the School Centre Kranj. The main objective of the project is to ensure a qualified and sufficient labour force, securing jobs for citizens and long-term economic growth of Novovolynsk. The purpose is to renovate vacant buildings to introduce new vocational, business, and educational programs. The target group includes residents, internally displaced persons, redundant coal mine workers, and people from Donetsk. The project aims to address the challenges of a lack of skilled labour force for local enterprises, access to quality and safe education for internally displaced persons, and the lack of a business support ecosystem. Anatolii Dudik, Chief Specialist of the Department for Organizing the Provision of Administrative Services at the Center for Administrative Services of the Executive Committee of the Novovolynsk City Council, presented the Novo Open app. This app focuses on the digitalization of city information, increasing digital citizen participation in local development, and presenting Novovolynsk to tourists. The project aims to provide free, open, and participative access to information and services in Novovolynsk. Mentors from the City of Kranj, Maja Šavs and Mojca Finc, presented the mentorship aspect and provided more information about the work of City of Kranj and Kranj’s institutions involved in the mentorship.

In the concluding part, Ambassador Tomaž Mencin, National Coordinator for the reconstruction of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, greeted the gathering. He emphasized that the decentralization reform in Ukraine is crucial and progressing well, focusing on empowering local municipalities, and stated that Slovenia agrees with the European Union’s request for financial instruments to support decentralized governance in Ukraine. Natalia Markevych Pritsa, Deputy Head of Mission at the Ukrainian Embassy in Slovenia, expressed gratitude to Slovenia for its role in the reconstruction process and hope for the project’s success. Mag Blaž Masle, Acting Chargé d’Affaires of the Slovenian Embassy in Kyiv, praised the good cooperation between Slovenia and Ukraine and confirmed the embassy’s readiness to assist further.

Following the visit, CEP activities will focus on areas identified as needing additional attention. Webinars will involve more Novovolynsk municipality employees. In the next steps, CEP will provide concrete support in implementing the local reconstruction and development plan of Novovolynsk.

A heartfelt thank you for enriching the mentorship programme goes to the City of Kranj, Kovačnica Coworking, BSC Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska Biotehniški center Naklo, Iskraemeco, Vincenc Draksler Foundation, School Centre Kranj, Centre of Sustainable Mobility Kranj, TIC Kranj, and more.

The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.
