Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

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From December 8 to 13, 2024, the first forum titled “BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change” was held in Portorož as part of the development project Enter Change. The forum brought together future young leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Through lectures, workshops, and discussions, the forum addressed key topics such as:
✔️ Leadership competencies and effective communication
✔️ Challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans on the path to EU integration
✔️ Strategic communication and combating disinformation
✔️ Diversity in the business world, gender equality, and the role of women in politics
✔️ Youth engagement in driving social change

The event’s highlights included contributions from esteemed speakers such as Alexander Kasanof, Peter Grk, Dr. Danica Purg, and Borut Pahor and interactive workshops that enabled participants to develop concrete solutions for future challenges.

The forum was a significant step in empowering young future political leaders from BiH and fostering positive change in the region. It was organized by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia. In 2025, we will continue our work with future leaders and look forward to the second forum in Slovenia, scheduled for late August. This forum will be aligned with the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum.

Announcing the last consultations and workshops of 2023 in North Macedonia

Announcing the last consultations and workshops of 2023 in North Macedonia

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The fight against organised crime and corruption is one of North Macedonia’s strategic priorities, and progress in this area is also expected from the EU. Macedonian investigative and prosecuting authorities are also committed to making progress in this direction and are actively working to improve their competence and skills in the field of financial investigations. In this respect, they rely, inter alia, on the expertise provided by the Republic of Slovenia under the International Development Cooperation Programme through the project ” Support in Chapter 24 – Financial investigations”.

As part of this project, fourth consultations along with third workshop for representatives of the Macedonian institutions responsible for financial investigations will take place in North Macedonia from 18 to 21 December 2023.

During the consultations and workshops, Slovenian experts will continue the progress already made in developing the capacity of Macedonian investigative and law enforcement authorities to carry out financial investigations and continue their assistance along the way.


Further information:
Milanka Ilić

Project Manager

Centre for European Perspective

Activities are funded by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Republic of Slovenia through its International Development Cooperation Programme and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Ministry of the Interior, and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.


In North Macedonia, another round of this year’s consultations and workshops on conducting financial investigations has been successfully carried out

In North Macedonia, another round of this year’s consultations and workshops on conducting financial investigations has been successfully carried out

Kliknite tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.

The fight against organised crime and corruption is one of North Macedonia’s strategic priorities, and progress in this area is also expected from the EU. Macedonian investigative and prosecuting authorities are also committed to making progress in this direction and are actively working to improve their competence and skills in the field of financial investigations. In this respect, they rely, inter alia, on the expertise provided by the Republic of Slovenia under the International Development Cooperation Programme through the project ” Support in Chapter 24 – Financial investigations”.

As part of this project, this year’s third consultation took place in North Macedonia from 27 to 29 November 2023, followed by a second workshop from 29 November to 1 December 2023 for representatives of the Macedonian institutions responsible for financial investigations.

The consultations in Skopje were attended by 19 representatives from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of the Interior, the Financial Police, the Customs Administration, and the Health Insurance Institute, while 11 representatives from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the Financial Police participated in the workshops that followed in Veles. Thematically, the activities addressed topics and dilemmas related to their current cases and were designed according to their real needs in carrying out financial investigations and confiscating assets of illicit origin and proceeds of crime.

During the activities, Slovenian experts in the field of conducting financial investigations shared their experiences with the Macedonian participants from the perspective of the role of the prosecutor’s office, from the perspective of valuing and calculating assets of illicit origin, and from the perspective of implementation and coordination of the criminal investigation of proceeds of crime.

During the consultations and workshops, Slovenian experts acknowledged the progress made in developing the capacity of Macedonian investigative and law enforcement authorities to carry out financial investigations and assured them that they could rely on their continued assistance along the way.

The assistance will be implemented again by the end of this year in the form of a new workshop and consultations. The third workshop of this year will take place in North Macedonia from 11 to 13 December 2023, followed by the fourth consultation of this year on strengthening the capacity of Macedonian institutions to carry out financial investigations from 19 to 21 December.

Further information:
Milanka Ilić

Project Manager

Centre for European Perspective

Activities are funded by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Republic of Slovenia through its International Development Cooperation Programme and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Ministry of the Interior, and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.


Consultations and workshops to advance the implementation of financial investigations in North Macedonia

Consultations and workshops to advance the implementation of financial investigations in North Macedonia

Kliknite tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.

From 27 to 29 November, the 3rd consultations will take place in North Macedonia within the framework of the project “Support in Chapter 24 – Financial investigations”, with the support of Slovenian development assistance. Our experts will share their knowledge on the valuation and calculation of assets of illicit origin, criminal investigation of proceeds of crime and conducting financial investigations from a prosecutor’s perspective.

The consultation will be followed by workshops from 29 November to 1 December, focusing on sharing experiences and good practices on financial investigation procedures according to standards carried out in EU Member States. Special emphasis will be placed on the support of Macedonian financial investigators to be more familiar with such practices, with the aim of enhancing their capacity to conduct financial investigations more effectively.

Activities are funded by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Republic of Slovenia through its International Development Cooperation Programme and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Financial Administration, Ministry of the Interior, and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.

Further information:
Milanka Ilić

Project Manager

Centre for European Perspective

Activities are funded by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Republic of Slovenia through its International Development Cooperation Programme and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Financial Administration, Ministry of the Interior, and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.