Ukrajina – Pomoč pri obnovi Ukrajine

Ruska invazija na Ukrajino je sprožila največji konflikt v Evropi po drugi svetovni vojni z uničujočimi in trajnimi humanitarnimi in gospodarskimi posledicami, ki ne obsegajo le izgube človeških življenj ter uničenje lokalne infrastrukture, ampak izredno negativno vplivajo tudi na svetovno gospodarstvo in vplivajo na masovne migracije ljudi znotraj in izven Ukrajine. Državo bi bilo potrebno obnoviti na vseh nivojih in na vseh področjih in zagotoviti razvoj in perspektivo za vračanje prebivalstva in ustvarjanje delovnih mest, da bo država preživela in se razvila v uspešno družbo.

Mednarodno sodelovanje med lokalnimi upravami se je izkazalo za pozitivno v času vojne, saj so Ukrajino in ukrajinske občine prve podprle prav partnerske lokalne skupnosti iz tujine. V povojnem času se bodo ukrajinske občine soočale z izzivi, ki bi jih lahko v sodelovanju s tujimi partnerskimi občinami lažje premostili, podporo tovrstnemu sodelovanju pa izraža tudi ministrstvo, zadolženo za lokalno samoupravo v Ukrajini.

V okviru programa razvojne pomoči bo Slovenija z Ukrajino delila znanje in dobre prakse in jim pomagala razviti načrte za projekte obnove lokalne skupnosti.


Project kickoff in North Macedonia

Yesterday, 12th February, a new project in the field of digitalization in North Macedonia was launched in Skopje.   The State Secretary at the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ms Gordana Klincharova, and representatives of the Ministry of Local Self-Government and...

Green transition in Ukraine webinar series

Centre for European Perspective is delighted to invite you to the webinar series on green transition!  The green transition refers to the shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in all sectors of society, including energy, transportation,...

Pripravljena analiza izobraževalnega sistema za medicinske sestre in babice v Republiki Severni Makedoniji

V okviru projekta “Spodbujanje izobraževanja in poklicev v zdravstveni negi in babištvu v Republiki Severni Makedoniji” je nastal dokument z naslovom Analysis of the existing higher education programs for nurses and midwives in North Macedonia according to the...

Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

Za novičko v slovenskem jeziku kliknite tu. From December 8 to 13, 2024, the first forum titled "BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change" was held in Portorož as part of the development project Enter Change. The forum brought together future young leaders from...

Conclusion of the project Chapter 24 – Strengthening Patrol Management in Serbia

On 18 December 2024, we gathered in Belgrade to mark the conclusion of the project ‘Chapter 24 - Strengthening Patrol Management in Serbia’. The project that began in 2019 with the goal of enhancing patrol management capacities in the Republic of Serbia built upon...

Local launch of the project and workshops in Skopje

The project "Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Education and Establishing the System for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the Republic of North Macedonia" was launched today in Skopje, with the participation of H.E. Minister Arben Taravari, Ministry of...

BiH’s Visionary Voices Forum: Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders

The first forum of the “Enter: Change” project, BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change, came to an end on Friday. Held in Portorož from 9 to 13 December, it brought together 12 young politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina for a program focused on leadership,...

The BiH’s Visionary Voices Forum Wraps Up

We’ve closed BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change forum with an inspiring session highlighting recent achievements and future aspirations for young BiH politicians. The concluding ceremony opened with a keynote by H.E. Mr. Borut Pahor, Founder and Director of...

Midway through BiH’s Visionary Voices

Portorož, 12 December 2024 - We are halfway through 'BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change' forum, offering an enriching experience for our participants. Participants have delved into some crucial topics, including: The challenges and opportunities of the Western...

The “Enter: Change” Forum Has Officially Begun

Portorož, 9 December 2024 - The first forum of the “Enter: Change” project, BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change, has begun today in Portorož, Slovenia. Held from 9 to 13 December, it brings together 12 young politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina for a program...