Environmental Peacebuilding Training (with the Geneva Water Hub)
September 30-October 4, 2024

Comprehensive Protection of Civilians (UN-certified) 
[Financial Support Available]
October 21-25, 2024

About POTC

The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) of Slovenia delivers training activities for military, police, and civilian personnel of our three overseeing ministries and for other civilian experts who can be deployed to peace operations and missions within the UN, EU, NATO and OSCE umbrella. As contemporary security challenges are becoming ever more complex, integration of different methodologies and a multidimensional approach are needed to equip future mission members with the necessary skills and expertise. POTC, as an interdepartmental training centre, provides such comprehensive trainings.

Organisation and implementation of trainings for participation in peacekeeping operations and missions would not be possible without the support and cooperation of our three overseeing ministries: the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Ministry of Defence.

Organisational chart (click to enhance):

Our Mission

We offer specialised trainings for civilian personnel, police personnel and military personnel.

    • Climate Change, Peace and Security

    Recognising climate change as a security issue and a significant global threat multiplier, POTC developed an training programme in 2023, covering the various impacts of climate change on peace and security worldwide. POTC was one of the first training centre in Europe and the world to deliver this type of training activity. The next editions will build upon the pilot delivery, incorporating subject matter changes to provide an updated and enhanced learning experience.

    • Comprehensive Protection of Civilians (UN Certified Training)

    In modern armed conflicts, civilian deaths often overtake those of soldiers and armed fighters. As of 2024, POTC holds a United Nations Certificate of Training Recognition for our Protection of Civilians training. This means that our training conforms to the UN pre-deployment standards. Protection of civilians is a broad topic touching on international law, human rights, conflict-related sex- and gender-based violence, minority rights, methodologies for protection of civilians from physical violence, etc.

    • Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

    Being able to effectively deal with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad is crucial for the well-being of a mission member and for the overall success of the mission as well. That is why we deliver intensive four-day courses for future mission members to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The course is designed for individuals with little or no experience of working in conflict areas.

      • Cultural Heritage Protection

      Cultural heritage is a common good passed from previous generations, and threats to cultural heritage can be an indicator of underlying tensions. Trafficking presents a considerable source of financing for international crime and terrorism, so we are paying more attention to protecting heritage in the security sector as well.

      • Gender Mainstreaming/Gender in Operations

      Protection from discrimination on the basis of sex and gender is enshrined in the Slovenian constitution and equality between women and men is at the core of the foundational values of the EU and the UN. We equip training participants with knowledge and skills that help them engage and include women as stakeholders in the peace-building and peacekeeping process.

      • International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

      The International Humanitarian Law Training equips peace personnel with the knowledge to comply with legal obligations, protect human rights, and prevent war crimes in conflict zones. This training enhances mission effectiveness, promotes accountability, and ensures peacekeepers’ actions align with ethical and international legal standards.

      • Training of Trainers (ToT)

      Dissemination of knowledge and teaching are skills which a lot of security experts still lack. Training of Trainers aims to develop the didactic, pedagogical, and technical skills of participants who will assume trainer roles in international missions and operations, in order to achieve the maximum effect when transferring knowledge and skills. It is tailored to specific peace and security contexts.

      List of Training Activities

      Work Programme 2022

      POTC Photo Gallery

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      Latest News

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